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Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering

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2018 Impact Factor: 3.883

Front. Environ. Sci. Eng.    0, Vol. Issue () : 15
Photochemical indicators of ozone sensitivity: application in the Pearl River Delta, China
Lyumeng Ye1,Xuemei Wang2(),Shaofeng Fan3,Weihua Chen1,Ming Chang1,Shengzhen Zhou2,Zhiyong Wu1,Qi Fan2
1. School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China
2. School of Atmospheric Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China
3. Guangzhou Research Institute of Environmental Protection, Guangzhou 510620, China
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The distribution of NOx- and VOC-sensitive regimes in the PRD are identified.

The effectiveness of six popular chemical indicators for discriminating O3 sensitivity regimes is evaluated.

Threshold levels for HCHO/NOy, H2O2/HNO3, O3/NOy, O3/NOz, O3/HNO3 were derived and verified.

The indicators H2O2/HNO3 and H2O2/NOz performed best and maintained relatively stable threshold levels.

Surface O3 production has a highly nonlinear relationship with its precursors. The spatial and temporal heterogeneity of O3-NOx-VOC-sensitivity regimes complicates the control- decision making. In this paper, the indicator method was used to establish the relationship between O3 sensitivity and assessment indicators. Six popular ratios indicating ozone-precursor sensitivity, HCHO/NOy, H2O2/HNO3, O3/NOy, O3/NOz, O3/HNO3, and H2O2/NOz, were evaluated based on the distribution of NOx- and VOC-sensitive regimes. WRF-Chem was used to study a serious ozone episode in fall over the Pearl River Delta (PRD). It was found that the south-west of the PRD is characterized by a VOC-sensitive regime, while its north-east is NOx-sensitive, with a sharp transition area between the two regimes. All indicators produced good representations of the elevated ozone hours in the episode on 6 November 2009, with H2O2/HNO3 being the best indicator. The threshold sensitivity levels for HCHO/NOy, H2O2/HNO3, O3/NOy, O3/NOz, O3/HNO3, and H2O2/NOz were estimated to be 0.41, 0.55, 10.2, 14.0, 19.1, and 0.38, respectively. Threshold intervals for the indicators H2O2/HNO3, O3/NOy, O3/NOz, O3/HNO3, and H2O2/NOz were able to identify more than 95% of VOC- and NOx-sensitive grids. The ozone episode on 16 November 16 2008 was used to independently verify the results, and it was found that only H2O2/HNO3 and H2O2/NOz were able to differentiate the ozone sensitivity regime well. Hence, these two ratios are suggested as the most appropriate indicators for identifying fall ozone sensitivity in the PRD. Since the species used for indicators have seasonal variation, the utility of those indicators for other seasons should be investigated in the future work.

Keywords Ozone      Pearl River Delta (PRD)      Sensitivity regime      Photochemical indicator      Threshold levels     
Corresponding Author(s): Xuemei Wang   
Issue Date: 25 November 2016
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Lyumeng Ye,Xuemei Wang,Shaofeng Fan, et al. Photochemical indicators of ozone sensitivity: application in the Pearl River Delta, China[J]. Front. Environ. Sci. Eng., 0, (): 15.
element and
number of
mean error mean
absolute error
root mean
square error
observation value simulation value
T2/°C a) 6 22.9 23.0 0.1 1.8 2.3 0.87
RH/%b) 6 60 63 4 9 11 0.87
WS/(m?s–1) c) 6 1.5 1.7 0.2 0.8 1.0 0.56
O3/(μg?m–3) 6 62 53 –9 25 37 0.86
daytimeO3/(μg?m–3) 6 95 87 –8 20 23 0.95
NO2/(μg?m–3) 6 89 85 –4 36 45 0.58
Tab.1  Verification statistics for meteorological elements and pollutants
Fig.1  (a) The model domain; (b) Monitoring sites. Meteorological stations are marked as solid black dots, and air quality monitoring stations are marked as solid red triangles
test anthropogenic NOx emission anthropogenic VOCs emission
base no changes no changes
case1 –25% no changes
case2 no changes –25%
case3 +25% no changes
case4 no changes +25%
Tab.2  Experimental settings for sensitivity testing of anthropogenic emission sources
Fig.2  Predicted surface ozone response to 25 % reduction in emissions of anthropogenic VOCs (green circles), and anthropogenic NOx (orange crosses): (a) HCHO/NOy; (b) H2O2/HNO3; (c) O3/NOy; (d) O3/NOz; (e) O3/HNO3; and (f) H2O2/NOz
Fig.3  Predicted surface ozone response to 25 % increase in emissions of anthropogenic VOCs (green circles), and anthropogenic NOx (orange crosses): (a) HCHO/NOy; (b) H2O2/HNO3; (c) O3/NOy; (d) O3/NOz; (e) O3/HNO3; and (f) H2O2/NOz
Fig.4  Distributions of surface 3-km grid cells under NOx-sensitive and VOC-sensitive conditions for the period 13–16 LST, November 6, 2009: (a) HCHO/NOy; (b) H2O2/HNO3; (c) O3/NOy; (d) O3/NOz; (e) O3/HNO3; and (f) H2O2/NOz
indication normalized threshold raw data threshold VOCs sensitivityError_A/% VOCs sensitivity Error_B/% NOx sensitivity Error_A/% NOx sensitivity Error_B/% OA/%
HCHO/NOya) −0.15 0.41 7.5 5.4 4.3 6.0 94.3
H2O2/HNO3 −0.35 0.55 1.4 4.8 3.6 1.1 97.3
O3/NOy −0.20 10.2 4.2 4.5 3.5 3.2 96.2
O3/NOzb) −0.25 14.0 3.7 5.8 4.4 2.8 95.9
O3/HNO3 −0.25 19.1 3.0 5.7 4.3 2.3 96.2
H2O2/NOz −0.40 0.38 1.1 6.3 4.7 0.8 96.8
Tab.3  Uncertainty estimation for chemical indicators used to identify NOx- and VOC-sensitive surface grids
Fig.5  Surface O3 sensitivity over the Pearl River Delta (PRD) for the period 13–16 LST, November 9, 2009, based on: (a) Model sensitivity test results; (b) H2O2/HNO3 indicator ratio with a threshold of 0.55
indicator P95 VOCs sensitivity a) P5 NOx sensitivity b)
HCHO/NOy 0.42 0.40
H2O2/HNO3 0.54 0.62
O3/NOy 10.2 10.6
O3/NOz 14.3 14.6
O3/HNO3 19.5 20.1
H2O2/NOz 0.42 0.45
Tab.4  Distribution of six indicator ratios for NOx- and VOC-sensitive conditions
Fig.6  Surface O3 sensitivity regimes, based on the chemical indicator threshold levels in Table 5, and model sensitivity, resulting from a 25 % reduction over the Pearl River Delta (PRD) for the period 13–16 LST, November 16, 2008: (a) H2O2/HNO3; (b) O3/NOy; (c) O3/NOz; (d) O3/HNO3; (e) H2O2/NOz; and (f) model sensitivity
indicator discrimination rate of VOCs sensitivity/% discrimination rate of NOx sensitivity/% overall discrimination accuracy/%
H2O2/HNO3 95.8 96.3 96.2
O3/NOy 99.0 92.2 94.0
O3/NOz 97.5 93.6 94.7
O3/HNO3 97.7 89.8 91.9
H2O2/NOz 95.8 96.6 96.4
Tab.5  Uncertainty estimation for five chemical indicator ratios using the threshold data in Table 4 to identify NOx- and VOC-sensitive surface cells, for the period 13–16 LST, November 16, 2008
Fig.7  Distributions of surface 3-km grid cells under NOx-sensitive and VOC-sensitive conditions for the period 13–16 LST on November 6, 2009, and November 16, 2008: (a) H2O2/HNO3; (b) O3/NOy; (c) O3/NOz; (d) O3/HNO3; (e) H2O2/NOz
Fig.8  Trends in NO2 and O3 for (a) the Pearl River Delta (PRD); and (b) Foshan city
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