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Frontiers of Physics

ISSN 2095-0462

ISSN 2095-0470(Online)

CN 11-5994/O4

邮发代号 80-965

2019 Impact Factor: 2.502

Frontiers of Physics  2018, Vol. 13 Issue (5): 130317
Precise detection of multipartite entanglement in fourqubit Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger diagonal states
Xiao-Yu Chen1(), Li-Zhen Jiang1, Zhu-An Xu2
1. 1College of Information and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou 310018, China
2. 2Department of Physics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
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We propose a method of constructing the separability criteria for multipartite quantum states on the basis of entanglement witnesses. The entanglement witnesses are obtained by finding the maximal expectation values of Hermitian operators and then optimizing over all possible Hermitian operators. We derive a set of tripartite separability criteria for the four-qubit Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger (GHZ) diagonal states. The derived criterion set contains four criteria that are necessary and sufficient for the tripartite separability of the highly symmetric four-qubit GHZ diagonal states; the criteria completely account for the numerically obtained boundaries of the tripartite separable state set. One of the criteria is just the tripartite separability criterion of the four-qubit generalized Werner states.

Key wordsmultipartite entanglement    matched entanglement witness    GHZ diagonal state
收稿日期: 2018-01-27      出版日期: 2018-09-10
Corresponding Author(s): Xiao-Yu Chen   
. [J]. Frontiers of Physics, 2018, 13(5): 130317.
Xiao-Yu Chen, Li-Zhen Jiang, Zhu-An Xu. Precise detection of multipartite entanglement in fourqubit Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger diagonal states. Front. Phys. , 2018, 13(5): 130317.
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