
2012年, 第2卷 第1期 出版日期:2012-01-20

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Garnette R Sutherland*
转化医学研究. 2012, 2 (1): 1-10.  

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Adiponectin as a therapeutic target against cardiovascular injury
Hui-rong Liu,Ya-jing Wang,Xiao-liang Wang,Xin-liang Ma
转化医学研究. 2012, 2 (1): 20-33.  

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转化医学研究. 2012, 2 (1): 20-33.  

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转化医学研究. 2012, 2 (1): 40-53.  

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缺血性脑卒中严重危害人类健康, 迫切需要有效的药物及治疗方法。神经保护治疗脑卒中, 可能是有希望的治疗脑卒中策略之一。在过去的几十年间, 研究者对脑缺血的神经病理及分子细胞机制已经有了较为深入的了解, 发现了很多缺血后神经元中特异性的病理通路及其相关分子, 并一直致力于找到能够用于脑卒中治疗的药物靶点。但是这些研究至今很少能转化为用于临床治疗的成果。本文针对近年来神经保护策略及遇到的困难, 主要讨论中风研究和治疗的转化医学研究。
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The neuroprotective strategy for stroke therapy
Jun-bo Huang,Yi-zheng Wang*
转化医学研究. 2012, 2 (1): 40-53.  

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The ischemic stroke causes severe damage to human health. Effective treatment of stroke is in an urgent demand. Neuroprotective strategy is one of the most promising ways for stroke therapy. In the past decades, investigators have known a lot about the mechanism of ischemic neuronal death and revealed many detrimental pathways. Numerous molecules were suggested as potential targets for stroke therapy and a great amount of compounds was developed to target these molecules and pathways. However, almost none of them have reached clinical application in stroke treatment. In this review, we will discuss the neuroprotective strategy and its possible translational studies in stroke therapy.
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Update of personalized medicine in blood disorders
Yuan Jian,Wen-ming Chen*
转化医学研究. 2012, 2 (1): 54-61.  

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As it is known, more and more genes' single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were associated with some diseases, the pharmacokinetics and the targets of drug effects. Detecting specific genotypes could be helpful to choose specific regimen in different individuals, which could result in a better treatment effects and reduced adverse events. In addition, the abnormal chromosomes and fusion genes were common in hematological malignances. To detecting these associated genes could contribute to the precise selection of specific targeted therapy and the better understanding of the prognosis.
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转化医学研究. 2012, 2 (1): 54-61.  

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个体化医疗是对不同个体的基因检测, 了解其对某种疾病的易感情况, 在患病个体中根据不同个体药物遗传学和药物基因组学特点, 采用相关药物方案进行治疗的方法。目前已知多种基因的单核苷酸多态性与疾病的发展、药物的代谢、以及药物作用靶点相关, 检测相关基因型有助于针对不同个体选用不同治疗方案, 从而提高疗效、减少药物不良反应。另外, 血液系统恶性疾病大多伴有染色体异常与融合基因, 对这些基因的检测有助于选用特异性靶向治疗药物进行合理治疗及疾病预后的判断。
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转化医学研究. 2012, 2 (1): 62-69.  

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颅底外科以颅底病变的切除、修复、矫治为主要内容, 自20世纪60年代肇始以来, 经过裸眼颅底外科和显微颅底外科的发展, 进入了微侵袭颅底外科时代。其特点之一是利用颅底结构的自然间隙显露病变, 最大限度的减少损伤。而神经内镜技术以其抵近观察、视野广阔、成像清晰的特点, 尤其适用于现代颅底外科技术的要求。自1992 年Jankowski等首次在内镜下行经鼻蝶入路垂体瘤切除以来, 经过十几年的探索和努力, 内镜颅底外科技术日趋成熟, 应用范围不断扩大, 基本覆盖了颅底外科的各个领域, 手术质量也日益提高, 创伤小、恢复快、病变处理彻底、效果可靠等优点已获广泛认同。随着经验的进一步积累, 理念的不断更新, 器械、设备和材料的研发与改进, 内镜颅底外科将迎来更为辉煌的明天。
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The advancement of endoscopic skull base surgery in translational medicine
Ya-zhuo Zhang*,Chu-zhong Li
转化医学研究. 2012, 2 (1): 62-69.  

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The skull base surgery includes excision, restoration and modification of skull base conditions, which consist of trauma,tumors,vascular lesions, congenital abnormalities,and inflammatory focus originating from or involved in skull base. It involves multidisciplinary knowledge including neurosurgery, ophthalmology, orthopedics, otolaryngology and maxillofacial surgery etc. and need assistance and participation of various modern technologies including neuro-monitoring, neuro-navigation and neuro-intervention etc. Because of its deep location, complex anatomical relationships and many important tissues involved ,skull base had been considered insurmountable area of surgery before 1960s. Since the onset of skull base surgery in 1960s, it has developed and strengthened step by step. Now it has step into the era of minimally invasive skull base surgery after the development of two stages of naked eye skull base surgery and microscopic skull base surgery. Its concept is to decrease the damage of normal tissues and completely treat the lesions as far as possible simultaneously by making full use of modern scientific methods and the consummate skills of the operator. One of its characteristics is utilizing the natural intervals to expose the lesions. And the neuroendoscopy can provide a closer look, wide field of vision and a distinct image, so it is fully suitable for the need of modern skull base surgery. After Jankowski treated the pituitary adenomas by endoscopic trans-nasal-sphenoidal approach for the first time in 1992,the endoscopic skull base surgery is gradually becoming mature. With the development of neurosurgical technologies including neuro-monitoring, neuro-navigation and neuro-imaging etc. and the improvement of new apparatus including high speed burrs, laser, microCUSA and holding arms etc., the quality of endoscopic skull base surgery has obtained further improvement. Its advantages include more thorough tumor resection, fewer surgical complications and reductions in operative and hospitalization time. In this paper, we will summarize the advancement of endoscopic skull base surgery in translational medicine.
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N-glycan,a biomarker in current cancer diagnosis
Jing-jing Wu,Jia-peng Lu,Ling Zhang,You-xin Wang,Man-shu Song,Li-juan Wu,Wei Wang
转化医学研究. 2012, 2 (1): 70-76.  

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Abstract Glycosylation, links the glycan chains to protein or lipid, is the most common and complex post-translational modifications of proteins.One of the important functions of glycans is to maintain the ordered social life of each cell in multicellular organisms. Glycosylation is sensitive to the biochemical environment leading to the alternation of glycan chains under physiological condition and specific diseases such as cancer. Up to date, cancer and other lethal diseases could not be diagnosed at early stage because of the traditional marker’s low sensitivity and less specificity. Recent years, the development of glycan profiling technologies has offered technology support for understanding the complex glycan structures and has increased great interest in applying the technology for cancer studies. In this regard, to identify the glycans as the potential biomarkers of cancer has become an important direction for clinical cancer diagnosis. This review summarizes the current research on finding the glycans as new cancer biomarkers.
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N链接聚糖, 癌症诊断的标志物
转化医学研究. 2012, 2 (1): 70-76.  

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蛋白质糖基化是一种最常见也是最复杂的蛋白质翻译后修饰过程, 是指蛋白质或脂质附加上聚糖的过程。糖蛋白的聚糖部分的重要功能之一是维持多细胞生物体细胞的稳态。糖基化过程在外界生物化学环境的影响下会发生改变, 包括生理条件的改变和某些特殊疾病状况例如癌症, 从而导致糖链结构的改变。目前由于传统癌症标志物灵敏度和特异度较低, 导致癌症不能在疾病早期阶段被识别, 寻找新的癌症诊断标志物成为癌症研究的重要方向之一。近年来, 糖基组学技术的进步为深入分析糖链结构提供了有力条件。因此, 寻找合适的糖基作为癌症诊断的新的标志物成为癌症研究的热点。本篇综述阐释了聚糖作为癌症诊断标志物这一研究方向的进展状况。
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Lack of association between white matter integrity and DISC1 Ser704Cys in a large sample of healthy Han Chinese individuals
Bing Liu,Yong-hui Li,Bing Hou,Chun-shui Yu,Tian-zi Jiang
转化医学研究. 2012, 2 (1): 77-80.  

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One recent study from a population of 87 healthy UK subjects has reported a significant association of white matter integrity with DISC1 Ser704Cys. Such association is rather impressive, but replication studies in independent populations are necessary. With a large sample of 278 healthy Han Chinese subjects, we carried out the same analyses to test the association of white matter integrity with DISC Ser704Cys, but did not find any significant association. Our results do not support the association between white matter integrity measured by tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) method and DISC1 Ser704Cys, at least in the Han Chinese population. More replication studies in different population are desired to further test the association.
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DISC1 Ser704Cys 基因型与脑白质完整性无显著性相关:一项中国较大样本的影像遗传学研究
转化医学研究. 2012, 2 (1): 77-80.  

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近来一项87例英国健康人群的影像遗传学研究,报告了DISC1 Ser704Cys显著调控脑内的大范围的白质完整性。然而,此类研究的结果在独立样本中的可重复性尤其重要。我们用一组较大样本的健康中国汉族人群,同时采集了遗传学资料和弥散磁共振影像学数据,然后开展了同样的基于纤维束骨架的空间统计分析(TBSS分析)研究,然后在我们的样本中没有发现DISC1 Ser704Cys与白质完整性的任何显著性相关。我们的研究结果不支持在中国汉族人群中的DISC1 Ser704Cys与脑白质完整型的显著性关联。因此,此相关很有必要在更进一步独立样本中的验证。
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