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Frontiers of Computer Science

ISSN 2095-2228

ISSN 2095-2236(Online)

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2018 Impact Factor: 1.129

Front Comput Sci Chin    0, Vol. Issue () : 148-157
Fingerprint segmentation based on an AdaBoost classifier
Eryun LIU1, Heng ZHAO1, Fangfei GUO1, Jimin LIANG1(), Jie TIAN1,2
1. Life Sciences Research Center, School of Life Sciences and Technology, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China; 2. Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
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Fingerprint segmentation is one of the most important preprocessing steps in an automatic fingerprint identification system (AFIS). Accurate segmentation of a fingerprint will greatly reduce the computation time of the following processing steps, and the most importantly, exclude many spurious minutiae located at the boundary of foreground. In this paper, a new fingerprint segmentation algorithm is presented. First, two new features, block entropy and block gradient entropy, are proposed. Then, an AdaBoost classifier is designed to discriminate between foreground and background blocks based on these two features and five other commonly used features. The classification error rate (Err) and McNemar’s test are used to evaluate the performance of our method. Experimental results on FVC2000, FVC2002 and FVC2004 show that our method outperforms other methods proposed in the literature both in accuracy and stability.

Keywords fingerprint segmentation      entropy      gradient entropy      AdaBoost classifier      McNemar’s test     
Corresponding Author(s): LIANG Jimin,   
Issue Date: 05 June 2011
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Eryun LIU,Heng ZHAO,Fangfei GUO, et al. Fingerprint segmentation based on an AdaBoost classifier[J]. Front Comput Sci Chin, 0, (): 148-157.
Fig.1  Sample images of FVC2000 database
Fig.2  Entropy and Gradient-entropy feature image of fingerprint. (a) Original image; (b) entropy image; (c) gradient-entropy image
Fig.3  Two examples of post processing. (a), (d) before post processing; (b), (e) the results after morphology operation; (c), (f) the results of contour smoothing
Sensor typeResolution
FVC2000DB1Low-cost optical sensor500 dpi
DB2Low-cost capacitive sensor500 dpi
DB3Optical sensor500 dpi
DB4Synthetic generator≈500 dpi
Sensor typeResolution
FVC2002DB1Optical sensor500 dpi
DB2Optical sensor569 dpi
DB3Capacitive sensor500 dpi
DB4SFinGe v2.51≈500 dpi
Sensor typeResolution
FVC2004DB1Optical sensor500 dpi
DB2Optical sensor500 dpi
DB3Thermal sweeping sensor512 dpi
DB4SFinGe v3.0≈500 dpi
Tab.1  Parameters of the FVC databases [,,]
Fig.4  Segmentation results by (a) entropy feature; (b) gradient-entropy feature; (c) coherence feature; (d) mean feature; (e) variance feature; (f) Gabor mean feature; (g) Gabor standard deviation feature; (h) majority voting; (i) AdaBoost classifier
Fig.5  (s) of FVC2000 for (a) DB1; (b) DB2; (c) DB3; (d) DB4
Fig.6  (s) of FVC2002 for (a) DB1; (b) DB2; (c) DB3; (d) DB4
Fig.7  (s) of FVC2004 for (a) DB1; (b) DB2; (c) DB3; (d) DB4
A succeededA failed
B succeededNssNsf
B failedNfsNff
Tab.2  Test results for two algorithms ( and )
proposed vs [3]Nss, Nsf379584, 13493384279, 19479906367, 32412344643, 4179
Nfs, Nff19904, 2497823085, 5104754118, 7150612147, 17541
proposed vs [4]Nss, Nsf377891, 14020381987, 24094905953, 37859343360, 5018
Nfs, Nff21590, 2445825382, 4643454563, 6606913426, 16723
Tab.3  Comparison of proposed algorithm with [] and [] on FVC2000 databases
proposed vs [3]Nss, Nsf693619, 11229753707, 15478400977, 6473501607, 6964
NfsNff21762, 1309416573, 3736011064, 191896144, 23372
proposed vs [4]Nss, Nsf693162, 11618751748, 17600397466, 7650496397, 7802
Nfs, Nff22208, 1272418532, 3523214591, 1800211344, 22565
Tab.4  Comparison of proposed algorithm with [] and [] on FVC2002 databases
proposed vs [3]Nss, Nsf1446598, 9815534474, 10088619718, 11585488083, 5688
Nfs, Nff34674, 2122035531, 2801339887, 2919713120, 31234
proposed vs [4]Nss, Nsf1460410, 11390537737, 10666609469, 13425469098, 10840
Nfs, Nff20889, 1967432296, 2745750118, 2735332081, 26063
Tab.5  Comparison of proposed algorithm with [] and [] on FVC2004 databases
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