System architecture for high-performance permissioned blockchains |
Libo FENG1,2, Hui ZHANG1,2,3( ), Wei-Tek TSAI1,2,4, Simeng SUN1 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Software Development Environment, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China 2. Digital Society & Blockchain Laboratory, School of Computer Science, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China 3. Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Big Data and Brain Computing, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China 4. School of Computing, Informatics and Decision Systems Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, USA |
Abstract Blockchain(BC), as an emerging distributed database technology with advanced security and reliability, has attracted much attention from experts who devoted to e-finance, intellectual property protection, the internet of things (IoT) and so forth. However, the inefficient transaction processing speed, which hinders the BC’s widespread, has not been well tackled yet. In this paper, we propose a novel architecture, called Dual-Channel Parallel Broadcast model (DCPB), which could address such a problem to a greater extent by using three methods which are dual communication channels, parallel pipeline processing and block broadcast strategy. In the dual-channel model, one channel processes transactions, and the other engages in the execution of BFT. The parallel pipeline processing allows the system to operate asynchronously. The block generation strategy improves the efficiency and speed of processing. Extensive experiments have been applied to BeihangChain, a simplified prototype for BC system, illustrates that its transaction processing speed could be improved to 16K transaction per second which could well supportmany real-world scenarios such as BC-based energy trading system andMicro-film copyright trading system in CCTV.
dualchannel model
parallel pipeline
consensus algorithm
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Just Accepted Date: 09 February 2018
Online First Date: 04 September 2018
Issue Date: 19 July 2019
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