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Frontiers of Computer Science

ISSN 2095-2228

ISSN 2095-2236(Online)

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2018 Impact Factor: 1.129

Front. Comput. Sci.    2022, Vol. 16 Issue (3) : 163704
Collaborative eye tracking based code review through real-time shared gaze visualization
Shiwei CHENG1(), Jialing WANG1, Xiaoquan SHEN1, Yijian CHEN1, Anind DEY2
1. School of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China
2. Information School, University of Washington, Seattle 98195-9440, USA
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Code review is intended to find bugs in early development phases, improving code quality for later integration and testing. However, due to the lack of experience with algorithm design, or software development, individual novice programmers face challenges while reviewing code. In this paper, we utilize collaborative eye tracking to record the gaze data from multiple reviewers, and share the gaze visualization among them during the code review process. The visualizations, such as borders highlighting current reviewed code lines, transition lines connecting related reviewed code lines, reveal the visual attention about program functions that can facilitate understanding and bug tracing. This can help novice reviewers to make sense to confirm the potential bugs or avoid repeated reviewing of code, and potentially even help to improve reviewing skills. We built a prototype system, and conducted a user study with paired reviewers. The results showed that the shared real-time visualization allowed the reviewers to find bugs more efficiently.

Keywords computer supported collaborative learning      computer supported cooperative work      social computing      fixation      human computer interaction     
Corresponding Author(s): Shiwei CHENG   
Just Accepted Date: 18 December 2020   Issue Date: 15 November 2021
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Shiwei CHENG,Jialing WANG,Xiaoquan SHEN, et al. Collaborative eye tracking based code review through real-time shared gaze visualization[J]. Front. Comput. Sci., 2022, 16(3): 163704.
Fig.1  Architecture of our collaborative eye tracking system
Fig.2  Custom eye tracker implemented for our research
Fig.3  Screenshot of our visualization (eye tracking data comes from the collaborative reviewers, and the red dot indicates the gaze cursor in real time)
Fig.4  Participants used collaborative eye trackers
Fig.5  Eye tracking pattern during code paired-review. (a) Example of separated pattern; (b) Example of followed pattern
Percentage of obtained scale points /%
1 2 3 4 5
Cursor 3.85 3.85 7.69 65.38 19.23
Border 0.00 7.69 19.23 61.54 11.54
Shading 0.00 3.85 11.54 61.54 23.07
Lines 0.00 7.69 7.69 65.38 19.24
Difficulty of understanding
Cursor 3.85 7.69 3.85 65.38 19.23
Border 0.00 7.69 3.85 69.23 19.23
Shading 0.00 7.69 19.23 61.54 11.54
Lines 3.85 7.69 7.69 53.85 26.92
Tab.1  Subjective feedback about different types of visualizations
Fig.6  Eye tracking patterns during complex code paired-review. (a) No specific patterns in control group; (b) Example of separated pattern and followed pattern in experimental group
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