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Frontiers of Computer Science

ISSN 2095-2228

ISSN 2095-2236(Online)

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2018 Impact Factor: 1.129

Front. Comput. Sci.    2021, Vol. 15 Issue (1) : 151101
Determining node duty cycle using Q-learning and linear regression for WSN
Han Yao HUANG, Kyung Tae KIM, Hee Yong YOUN()
College of Software, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746, Korea
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Wireless sensor network (WSN) is effective for monitoring the target environment,which consists of a large number of sensor nodes of limited energy. An efficient medium access control (MAC) protocol is thus imperative to maximize the energy efficiency and performance of WSN. The most existing MAC protocols are based on the scheduling of sleep and active period of the nodes, and do not consider the relationship between the load condition and performance. In this paper a novel scheme is proposed to properly determine the duty cycle of the WSN nodes according to the load,which employs the Q-learning technique and function approximation with linear regression. This allows low-latency energy-efficient scheduling for a wide range of traffic conditions, and effectively overcomes the limitation of Q-learning with the problem of continuous state-action space. NS3 simulation reveals that the proposed scheme significantly improves the throughput, latency, and energy efficiency compared to the existing fully active scheme and S-MAC.

Keywords wireless sensor network      media access control      duty-cycle scheduling      Q-learning      linear regression     
Corresponding Author(s): Hee Yong YOUN   
Just Accepted Date: 26 February 2020   Issue Date: 24 September 2020
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Han Yao HUANG,Kyung Tae KIM,Hee Yong YOUN. Determining node duty cycle using Q-learning and linear regression for WSN[J]. Front. Comput. Sci., 2021, 15(1): 151101.
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