SEOT: Secure dynamic searchable encryption with outsourced ownership transfer |
Jianwei LI1, Xiaoming WANG1( ), Qingqing GAN2 |
1. Department of Information Science and Technology, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China 2. Department of Cyber Security, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510006, China |
Abstract When one enterprise acquires another, the electronic data of the acquired enterprise will be transferred to the acquiring enterprise. In particular, if the data system of acquired enterprise contains a searchable encryption mechanism, the corresponding searchability will also be transferred. In this paper, we introduce the concept of Searchable Encryption with Ownership Transfer (SEOT), and propose a secure SEOT scheme. Based on the new structure of polling pool, our proposed searchable encryption scheme not only achieves efficient transfer of outsourced data, but also implements secure transfer of data searchability. Moreover, we optimize the storage cost for user to a desirable value. We prove our scheme can achieve the secure characteristics, then carry out the performance evaluation and experiments. The results demonstrate that our scheme is superior in efficiency and practicability.
cloud computing
ownership transfer
searchable encryption
forward secure
outsourced computation
Corresponding Author(s):
Xiaoming WANG
Just Accepted Date: 29 September 2022
Issue Date: 11 January 2023
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