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Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering

ISSN 2095-0179

ISSN 2095-0187(Online)

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2018 Impact Factor: 2.809

Front. Chem. Sci. Eng.    2021, Vol. 15 Issue (2) : 363-372
Formation mechanism of solid product produced from co-pyrolysis of Pingdingshan lean coal with organic matter in Huadian oil shale
Xiangchun Liu, Jun Hu, Ruilun Xie, Bin Fang, Ping Cui()
Anhui Key Laboratory of Coal Clean Conversion & Utilization, Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Coal Clean Conversion and High Valued Utilization, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Anhui University of Technology, Ma’anshan 243032, China
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A mixture of Pingdingshan lean coal and acid-treated Huadian oil shale was co-pyrolyzed in a drop-tube fixed-bed reactor in the temperature range of 300 °C–450 °C. To reveal the formation mechanism of the solid co-pyrolysis product, changes in some physicochemical properties were investigated, using analysis by X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, pore analysis, thermogravimetry, and electron spin resonance. X-ray diffraction showed that the lattice plane spacing for the co-pyrolyzed mixture decreased from 0.357 nm to 0.346 nm and the average stacking height increased from 1.509 nm to 1.980 nm in the temperature range of 300 °C–450 °C, suggesting that pyrolysis treatment increased its degree of metamorphism. The amount of oxygen-containing functional groups and pore volume decreased with increasing temperature. Thermogravimetry and electron spin resonance results showed that synergistic effects occurred during the co-pyrolysis process. A formation mechanism for the solid product was proposed. Hydrogen-rich radicals generated from the pyrolysis of the oil shale were trapped by hydrogen-poor macromolecular radicals of the intermediate metaplast produced from coal pyrolysis, thereby increasing the yield of solid product.

Keywords co-pyrolysis      coal      oil shale      electron spin resonance      mechanism     
Corresponding Author(s): Ping Cui   
Online First Date: 31 July 2020    Issue Date: 10 March 2021
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Xiangchun Liu,Jun Hu,Ruilun Xie, et al. Formation mechanism of solid product produced from co-pyrolysis of Pingdingshan lean coal with organic matter in Huadian oil shale[J]. Front. Chem. Sci. Eng., 2021, 15(2): 363-372.
Items Proximate analysis (ad)/wt-% Ultimate analysis (daf)/wt-% H/C atomic ratio
M A V FC C H S N O (diff.)
LC 2.40 10.78 13.56 73.26 80.32 3.06 0.58 1.05 14.99 0.46
OS 5.49 66.91 6.60 21.00 16.99 1.72 1.05 0.36 79.88 1.21
OSA 1.90 5.29 66.83 25.98 67.78 6.82 1.14 2.76 21.50 1.21
Tab.1  Proximate and ultimate analyses of LC, OS, and OSA
Fig.1  Schematic of experimental setup.
Sample Yield/wt-% Sample Yield/wt-% Sample Yield/wt-%
MS300 94.63 LC300 95.30 OSA300 80.30
MS350 86.71 LC350 94.29 OSA350 60.63
MS400 78.76 LC400 93.29 OSA400 37.52
MS450 75.51 LC450 92.48 OSA450 34.70
Tab.2  Yields of all solid products obtained from pyrolysis in the fixed-bed reactor
Fig.2  XRD patterns of (a–c) all samples and (d) curve-fitted XRD pattern in the 2q range 10°?50° for LC.
Sample 2θ002/(°) β002/(°) d002/nm L002/nm
MS 25.288 0.084 0.352 1.672
MS300 24.94 0.093 0.357 1.509
MS350 25.248 0.079 0.352 1.778
MS400 25.620 0.077 0.347 1.825
MS450 25.720 0.071 0.346 1.980
LC 25.397 0.068 0.350 2.066
LC300 25.219 0.078 0.353 1.801
LC350 25.311 0.070 0.352 2.007
LC400 25.580 0.066 0.349 2.130
LC450 25.700 0.061 0.346 2.305
OSA 20.229 0.124 0.439 1.123
OSA300 20.109 0.131 0.441 1.063
OSA350 24.636 0.102 0.361 1.375
OSA400 25.088 0.102 0.355 1.377
OSA450 25.363 0.088 0.351 1.596
Tab.3  Crystalline structural parameters of all samples from XRD patterns
Fig.3  C1s fitting spectrum of XPS for MS.
Fig.4  Relative contents of different types of carbon functionalities from XPS analysis.
Fig.5  SEM images of representative samples.
Sample Pore volume/(cm3?g?1)
MS 0.008
MS300 0.008
MS450 0.002
LC 0.006
LC450 0.001
OSA 0.021
OSA300 0.015
OSA450 0.002
Tab.4  Pore volumes for eight representative samples
Fig.6  TG-DTG curves for MS-experimental, LC, OSA, and MS-calculated.
Fig.7  Changes in radical concentration (Ng) during the co-pyrolysis process (Ng of MS-calculated= 0.7 (Ng of LC) + 0.3 (Ng of OSA)).
Fig.8  A proposed mechanism for the solid product produced from the co-pyrolysis of coal with OSA.
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