Fig.1 Flow chart for the proposed hybrid PID-ANN controller
Fig.1 Flow chart for the proposed hybrid PID-ANN controller
Fig.1 Flow chart for the proposed hybrid PID-ANN controller
Fig.1 Flow chart for the proposed hybrid PID-ANN controller
Fig.1 Flow chart for the proposed hybrid PID-ANN controller
Fig.2 Block diagram of hybrid PID-ANN controller based DC drive
Fig.2 Block diagram of hybrid PID-ANN controller based DC drive
Fig.2 Block diagram of hybrid PID-ANN controller based DC drive
Fig.2 Block diagram of hybrid PID-ANN controller based DC drive
Fig.2 Block diagram of hybrid PID-ANN controller based DC drive
Fig.3 Equivalent circuit of DC series motor
Fig.3 Equivalent circuit of DC series motor
Fig.3 Equivalent circuit of DC series motor
Fig.3 Equivalent circuit of DC series motor
Fig.3 Equivalent circuit of DC series motor
Fig.4 DC-DC converter circuit and waveform
Fig.4 DC-DC converter circuit and waveform
Fig.4 DC-DC converter circuit and waveform
Fig.4 DC-DC converter circuit and waveform
Fig.4 DC-DC converter circuit and waveform
operating mode | switch position | converter output voltageVo | load currentio |
motoring (Mode 1) | freewheeling (Mode 2) | Mode 1 | Mode 2 |
forward motoring | MOSFET (Q) ON | diode (DF) ON | Vs | 0 | + ve |
Tab.1 DC-DC converter switching operation
Fig.5 Simulink model of DC series motor
Fig.5 Simulink model of DC series motor
Fig.5 Simulink model of DC series motor
Fig.5 Simulink model of DC series motor
Fig.5 Simulink model of DC series motor
Fig.6 Simulink model of the system with conventional PID controller
Fig.6 Simulink model of the system with conventional PID controller
Fig.6 Simulink model of the system with conventional PID controller
Fig.6 Simulink model of the system with conventional PID controller
Fig.6 Simulink model of the system with conventional PID controller
input data | target data |
error | change in error | corresponds to δ |
1.0000 | -0.0005 | 200020 | 0.8573 | -0.0004 | -19160 | 0.7334 | -0.0004 | -10409 | 0.6271 | -0.0003 | -4932 | 0.5356 | -0.0003 | -7337 | 0.4572 | -0.0002 | -6190.2 | 0.3898 | -0.0002 | 239.08 |
Tab.2 Sample data from PID controller
Fig.7 Structure of trained neural network
Fig.7 Structure of trained neural network
Fig.7 Structure of trained neural network
Fig.7 Structure of trained neural network
Fig.7 Structure of trained neural network
Fig.8 ANN parameter variation during training
Fig.8 ANN parameter variation during training
Fig.8 ANN parameter variation during training
Fig.8 ANN parameter variation during training
Fig.8 ANN parameter variation during training
Fig.9 Structure of the artificial neuron controller using MATLAB
Fig.9 Structure of the artificial neuron controller using MATLAB
Fig.9 Structure of the artificial neuron controller using MATLAB
Fig.9 Structure of the artificial neuron controller using MATLAB
Fig.9 Structure of the artificial neuron controller using MATLAB
Fig.10 Simulink model of the proposed system with ANN controller
Fig.10 Simulink model of the proposed system with ANN controller
Fig.10 Simulink model of the proposed system with ANN controller
Fig.10 Simulink model of the proposed system with ANN controller
Fig.10 Simulink model of the proposed system with ANN controller
DC motor parameters | value |
motor ratingDC supply voltagemotor rated currentinertia constant Jdamping constant Barmature resistance Raarmature inductance Lamotor speedarmature voltage constant Kafresidual magnetism voltage constant Kres | 5 HP220 V18 A0.0465 kg·m20.005 N·m·s/rad1 Ω0.032 H1800 rpm0.027 H0.027 V·s/rad |
Tab.3 DC motor specifications
Fig.11 Pulse, output voltage, motor current, and speed with respect to time
Fig.11 Pulse, output voltage, motor current, and speed with respect to time
Fig.11 Pulse, output voltage, motor current, and speed with respect to time
Fig.11 Pulse, output voltage, motor current, and speed with respect to time
Fig.11 Pulse, output voltage, motor current, and speed with respect to time
Fig.12 Performance of controller for speed variation from 750 to 1250 rpm at 4 s and from 1250 to 1800 rpm at 7 s.
Fig.12 Performance of controller for speed variation from 750 to 1250 rpm at 4 s and from 1250 to 1800 rpm at 7 s.
Fig.12 Performance of controller for speed variation from 750 to 1250 rpm at 4 s and from 1250 to 1800 rpm at 7 s.
Fig.12 Performance of controller for speed variation from 750 to 1250 rpm at 4 s and from 1250 to 1800 rpm at 7 s.
Fig.12 Performance of controller for speed variation from 750 to 1250 rpm at 4 s and from 1250 to 1800 rpm at 7 s.
time domain specifications | set speed change from 0 to 750 rpm | set speed change from 750 to 1250 rpm | set speed change from 1250 to 1800 rpm |
conventional PID | PID-neuro (proposed system) | conventional PID | PID-neuro (proposed system) | conventional PID | PID-neuro (proposed system) |
max. over shoot/% | 8.7 | 0.31 | 5.5 | 0.19 | 4.3 | 0.15 | settling time/s | 2.2 | 0.4 | 1.4 | 0.3 | 1.2 | 0.28 |
Tab.4 Time domain specifications of ANN and PID controllers for different set speed changes with 10% load
Fig.13 Performance of controller for load variation from 10% to 25%, 25% to 50%, and 50% to 100% at 3, 5.5, and 8 s, respectively
Fig.13 Performance of controller for load variation from 10% to 25%, 25% to 50%, and 50% to 100% at 3, 5.5, and 8 s, respectively
Fig.13 Performance of controller for load variation from 10% to 25%, 25% to 50%, and 50% to 100% at 3, 5.5, and 8 s, respectively
Fig.13 Performance of controller for load variation from 10% to 25%, 25% to 50%, and 50% to 100% at 3, 5.5, and 8 s, respectively
Fig.13 Performance of controller for load variation from 10% to 25%, 25% to 50%, and 50% to 100% at 3, 5.5, and 8 s, respectively
time domain specifications | load change from 10% to 25% | load change from 25% to 50% | load change from 50% to 100% |
conventional PID | PID-ANN (proposed System) | conventional PID | PID-ANN (proposed System) | conventional PID | PID-ANN (proposed System) |
max. speed drop/% | 0.66 | — | 1.1 | 0.02 | 2.8 | 0.2 | recovery time/s | 0.17 | — | 0.68 | 0.004 | 1.3 | 0.035 | steady-state error/rpm | -15 | ±0.5 | -20 | ±0.4 | -36 | ±0.3 |
Tab.5 Time domain specifications of ANN and PID controllers for different load changes with rated speed
Fig.14 Load variation form 10% to 80% at 4 s for both controllers
Fig.14 Load variation form 10% to 80% at 4 s for both controllers
Fig.14 Load variation form 10% to 80% at 4 s for both controllers
Fig.14 Load variation form 10% to 80% at 4 s for both controllers
Fig.14 Load variation form 10% to 80% at 4 s for both controllers
Fig.15 Controller’s performance for speed variation at 4 s and load disturbance at 7 s
Fig.15 Controller’s performance for speed variation at 4 s and load disturbance at 7 s
Fig.15 Controller’s performance for speed variation at 4 s and load disturbance at 7 s
Fig.15 Controller’s performance for speed variation at 4 s and load disturbance at 7 s
Fig.15 Controller’s performance for speed variation at 4 s and load disturbance at 7 s
Fig.16 Deflecting torque with respect to motor current load disturbance
Fig.16 Deflecting torque with respect to motor current load disturbance
Fig.16 Deflecting torque with respect to motor current load disturbance
Fig.16 Deflecting torque with respect to motor current load disturbance
Fig.16 Deflecting torque with respect to motor current load disturbance
Fig.17 Experimental graph of speed variation for the step change in reference speed using the conventional PID controller
Fig.17 Experimental graph of speed variation for the step change in reference speed using the conventional PID controller
Fig.17 Experimental graph of speed variation for the step change in reference speed using the conventional PID controller
Fig.17 Experimental graph of speed variation for the step change in reference speed using the conventional PID controller
Fig.17 Experimental graph of speed variation for the step change in reference speed using the conventional PID controller
Fig.18 Experimental graph of speed variation for the step change in reference speed using PID-ANN controller
Fig.18 Experimental graph of speed variation for the step change in reference speed using PID-ANN controller
Fig.18 Experimental graph of speed variation for the step change in reference speed using PID-ANN controller
Fig.18 Experimental graph of speed variation for the step change in reference speed using PID-ANN controller
Fig.18 Experimental graph of speed variation for the step change in reference speed using PID-ANN controller
controller | PID | PID-ANN |
simulation | hardware | simulation | hardware |
settling time/s | 0.75 | 10.25 | 0.5 | 4 | max. over shoot/% | 4.2 | 5 | no over shoot | no over shoot | steady-state error/rpm | -15 | -30 | ±0.5 | — |
Tab.6 Hardware performance comparison of the proposed system with conventional PID controller for the speed = 1800 rpm and Δ = 10%