Frontiers of Economics in China

ISSN 1673-3444

ISSN 1673-3568(Online)

CN 11-5744/F

邮发代号 80-978




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Before agreeing to review a paper, please do check if it matches your research fields, and if you have sufficient time to conduct a thorough review before the deadline stipulated in the invitation. No matter whether you want to accept or decline the review invitation, we appreciate it if you could respond to the invitation in a timely manner so that we can arrange suitable reviewers in time.
Once you agree to review a paper, before you start your work, we strongly suggest you read carefully the INSTRUCTIONS TO REVIEWERS, which is available via the following path:i) Visit Manuscripts Central: ; ii) Enter your Reviewer Center; iii) Click on the button  under “Perform Review”, and you will find INSTRUCTIONS TO REVIEWERS
Once you start the review, please report to the editor in charge of the paper if any of the following cases happen:
◆ The paper actually falls out of your expertise and you find it difficult/challenging to conduct the review;
◆ To the best of your knowledge, the paper has been submitted to or is under review at another journal;
◆ There is a problem of academic dishonesty in the article assigned to you.
In your review, please try to provide sufficient comments to support your recommendation on the paper. Equally important, please try to meet the deadline. If for any reason, you cannot submit your referee report on time, do contact the editor in charge of the paper and see which he/she prefers, to wait for a bit longer or to invite an alternative reviewer.