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Front Envir Sci Eng    0, Vol. Issue () : 669-687
Contribution of national bioassessment approaches for assessing ecological water security: an AUSRIVAS case study
Susan J. NICHOLS(), Fiona J. DYER
Institute for Applied Ecology and MDBfutures CRN, University of Canberra, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia
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River managers in Australia are managing in the face of extremes to provide security of water supply for people, production and the environment. Balancing the water requirements of people, environments and economies requires that water security is viewed holistically, not just in terms of the water available for human consumption. Common definitions of water security focus on the needs of both humans and ecosystems for purposes such as drinking, agriculture and industrial use, and to maintain ecological values. Information about achieving water security for the environment or ecological purposes can be a challenge to interpret because the watering requirements of key ecological processes or assets are not well understood, and the links between ecological and human values are often not obvious to water users. Yet the concepts surrounding river health are inherently linked to holistic concepts of water security. The measurement of aquatic biota provides a valuable tool for managers to understand progress toward achieving ecological water security objectives. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the reference condition approach to river health assessment, using the development of the Australian River Assessment System (AUSRIVAS) as a case study. We make the link between the biological assessment of river health and assessment of ecological water security, and suggest that such an approach provides a way of reporting that is relevant to the contribution made by ecosystems to water security. The reference condition approach, which is the condition representative of minimally disturbed sites organized by selected physical, chemical, and biological characteristics, is most important for assessing ecological water security objectives.

Keywords ecological water security      biological assessment      river health     
Corresponding Author(s): NICHOLS Susan J.,   
Issue Date: 01 October 2013
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Susan J. NICHOLS,Fiona J. DYER. Contribution of national bioassessment approaches for assessing ecological water security: an AUSRIVAS case study[J]. Front Envir Sci Eng, 0, (): 669-687.
water security componentdescriptionunderpinning ecological process
basic human needswater of sufficient quantity and quality to provide for human consumption;filtering, retention and storage of freshwaters;regulation functions: waste treatment, nutrient regulation and biological control
production (food and raw materials)water as an input to food and fiber production: sufficient quantity and qualityfiltering, retention and storage of freshwaters;regulation functions: waste treatment, nutrient regulation and biological control
water bodies as a source of food and fiber (e.g. fisheries and reed-beds)provision of natural resources (sustainable populations for harvest; sources of genetic materials);suitable places for animals and plants to live and reproduce (habitat)
risk managementprotection against floods and droughts: quantity and qualityfiltering, retention and storage of freshwaters;regulation functions: waste treatment, nutrient regulation and biological control;regulation of runoff and streamflows by land cover and stream structure
Tab.1  Components of water security and related ecological processes
Fig.1  Representation of the concept of river health [modified from 22] in relation to the elements of water security; adapted from [,] and the authors’ own work
classification groupprobability that test site Y belongs to groupfrequency of taxon X in group/%contribution to probability that taxon X will occur at site Y/%
total 76.50
Tab.2  Example of an AUSRIVAS calculation of the probability of a taxon occurring at a test site for this four-group model. Combined probability that taxon will occur at Site = 76.5%; redrawn from Coysh et al. 71]
bandO/E valueband descriptionO/E interpretations
X>1.12More biologically diverse than referenceO/E value greater than 90th percentile of reference sites used to create the model.More taxa found than expected.This could mean that the site is potentially rich in biodiversity. Alternatively, the site may have mild organic enrichment that could initially increase the number of taxa (e.g. by favoring certain suspension –deposition feeders) because of increased food resources resulting from the increase in nutrients [35]. Likewise, a continuous irrigation flow in a normally intermittent stream may result in more taxa than expected. Thus, a test site falling in band X requires further consideration before a conclusion is drawn.
A0.88-1.12Similar to referenceO/E within range of central 80% of reference sites used to create the model.Most/all of the expected taxa are found. This indicates water quality and/or habitat condition similar to reference sites.
B0.64-0.87Significantly impairedO/E below 10th percentile of reference sites used to create the model. The band width is equal to band A.Fewer families than expected. It is possible that the water quality and/or habitat quality are impaired, resulting in loss of expected taxa.
C0.40-0.63Severely impairedO/E value below band B. Band B width is equal to band A.Many fewer families than expected. Poor water quality and/or habitat quality resulting in loss of expected invertebrate diversity.
D0-0.39Extremely impairedO/E value below band C down to zero.Few of the expected families, and only the hardy and pollution tolerant taxa remain. Extremely poor water quality and/or habitat quality resulting in severe impairment.
Tab.3  Example of AUSRIVAS bands of biological condition for the ACT-autumn-riffle model, showing / range, band descriptions and interpretations; adapted from Coysh et al. []
Fig.2  Target condition and reference condition, showing how target condition may not necessarily be the same as reference condition but rather somewhere between current condition and reference condition [redrawn from Ref.[]]
Fig.3  233 reference sites from the Fraser River, British Columbia, showing distribution along environmental gradients and groups identified by cluster analysis []
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