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Frontiers of Computer Science

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2019 Impact Factor: 1.275

Frontiers of Computer Science  2022, Vol. 16 Issue (4): 164205
Handling class imbalance problem in software maintainability prediction: an empirical investigation
Ruchika MALHOTRA1, Kusum LATA1,2()
1. Discipline of Software Engineering, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi 110042, India
2. University School of Management and Entrepreneurship, East Delhi Campus, Delhi Technological University, Delhi 110095, India
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As the complexity of software systems is increasing; software maintenance is becoming a challenge for software practitioners. The prediction of classes that require high maintainability effort is of utmost necessity to develop cost-effective and high-quality software. In research of software engineering predictive modeling, various software maintainability prediction (SMP) models are evolved to forecast maintainability. To develop a maintainability prediction model, software practitioners may come across situations in which classes or modules requiring high maintainability effort are far less than those requiring low maintainability effort. This condition gives rise to a class imbalance problem (CIP). In this situation, the minority classes’ prediction, i.e., the classes demanding high maintainability effort, is a challenge. Therefore, in this direction, this study investigates three techniques for handling the CIP on ten open-source software to predict software maintainability. This empirical investigation supports the use of resampling with replacement technique (RR) for treating CIP and develop useful models for SMP.

Key wordssoftware maintenance    software maintainability    imbalanced learning
收稿日期: 2020-03-28      出版日期: 2021-12-01
Corresponding Author(s): Kusum LATA   
. [J]. Frontiers of Computer Science, 2022, 16(4): 164205.
Ruchika MALHOTRA, Kusum LATA. Handling class imbalance problem in software maintainability prediction: an empirical investigation. Front. Comput. Sci., 2022, 16(4): 164205.
Predicted positive Predicted negative
Actual positive True positive (TPos) False Negative (FNeg)
Actual negative False positive (FPos) True negative (TNeg)
Software Version #C #CC C%
Betwixt 0.6 – 0.7 290 279 96.20
Ivy 1.4.1 – 2.2.0 619 429 69.30
Bcel 5.0 – 5.1 363 360 99.17
Io 2.0.1 – 2.2 274 272 99.27
Log4j 1.2.14 – 1.2.15 491 437 89.00
Jcs – 333 219 65.76
Lang 2.4 – 2.6 434 267 61.52
Ode 1.3.1 – 1.3.2 1060 1004 94.71
Accumulo 1.5.0-1.5.1 1431 828 57.86
Click 2.2-2.3 402 263 65.42
Dataset No. of outliers
Betwixt 34
Ivy 58
Bcel 26
Io 24
Log4j 32
Jcs 22
Lang 47
Ode 115
Accumulo 90
Click 31
Dataset #Min. #Maj. IR
Betwixt 27 218 8.07
Ivy 28 343 12.25
Bcel 18 316 17.55
Io 10 238 23.80
Log4j 42 363 8.64
Jcs 27 170 6.29
Lang 27 193 7.14
Ode 57 832 14.59
Accumulo 120 618 5.15
Click 42 190 4.52
Dataset Accuracy Sensitivity
Bcel 85.03 94.01 94.01 93.41 95.51 94.31 93.41 16.67 22.22 11.11 5.56 22.22 11.11 22.22
Betwixt 83.67 87.35 88.98 87.76 90.72 86.53 85.71 18.52 22.22 0.00 0.00 3.70 7.41 3.70
Io 94.76 96.37 95.97 95.16 98.74 94.38 95.16 40.00 30.00 30.00 0.00 20.00 27.27 0.00
Ivy 90.79 92.72 91.91 91.96 92.72 91.11 91.91 30.77 17.86 3.75 3.57 14.29 10.71 14.29
Jcs 83.76 91.88 87.31 89.34 86.80 88.32 88.32 77.78 62.96 48.15 44.44 40.74 48.15 48.15
Lang 90.00 89.55 90.91 90.91 91.36 90.45 90.91 44.44 51.85 66.67 55.56 55.56 48.15 51.85
Log4j 86.67 90.12 87.16 88.15 90.86 89.63 87.90 47.62 33.33 26.19 9.52 26.19 35.71 23.81
Ode 90.10 93.81 94.15 93.93 94.15 92.46 92.91 36.84 22.81 8.77 10.53 12.28 10.53 22.81
Accumulo 80.89 81.84 83.76 83.06 84.01 81.57 82.93 24.17 20.00 0.00 9.17 7.50 15.83 9.17
Click 77.59 81.03 79.74 81.47 78.88 79.74 79.31 4.76 21.43 0.00 0.00 2.38 19.05 2.38
Dataset Precision Specificity
Bcel 07.89 40.00 33.33 16.67 80.00 40.00 33.33 88.92 85.03 98.73 98.42 99.68 99.05 97.47
Betwixt 21.74 37.50 0.00 0.00 14.29 20.00 10.00 91.74 95.41 100 98.62 98.11 96.33 95.87
Io 36.36 60.00 50.00 0.00 40.00 33.33 0.00 97.06 99.16 98.74 99.16 98.74 97.48 99.16
Ivy 33.33 55.56 25.00 25.00 57.14 27.27 40.00 95.34 98.83 99.13 99.13 99.13 97.67 98.25
Jcs 44.68 73.91 54.17 66.67 52.38 59.09 59.09 84.71 96.47 93.53 96.47 94.12 94.71 94.71
Lang 63.16 58.33 62.07 65.22 68.18 65.00 66.67 96.37 94.82 94.30 95.85 96.37 96.37 96.37
Log4j 38.46 53.85 34.38 28.57 64.71 50.00 37.04 91.18 96.69 94.21 97.25 98.35 95.87 95.32
Ode 28.77 54.17 100 66.67 77.78 27.27 40.63 93.75 98.68 100 99.64 99.76 98.08 97.72
Accumulo 36.71 38.71 0.00 40.74 56.25 35.19 39.29 91.91 93.85 100 97.41 98.87 94.34 97.25
Click 14.29 45.00 0.00 0.00 11.11 35.19 0.00 93.68 94.21 97.37 99.47 95.79 93.16 96.32
Dataset AUC G-Mean
Bcel 0.57 0.73 0.78 0.75 0.79 0.79 0.62 38.50 46.69 52.37 23.38 47.07 33.17 46.54
Betwixt 0.69 0.65 0.72 0.69 0.68 0.7 0.54 52.11 46.05 0.00 0.00 19.06 26.71 18.84
Io 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.85 0.85 0.79 0.57 62.31 54.54 54.43 0.00 44.44 51.56 0.00
Ivy 0.67 0.66 0.78 0.72 0.74 0.77 0.51 54.16 42.01 18.42 18.82 37.63 32.35 37.46
Jcs 0.86 0.91 0.89 0.87 0.88 0.71 0.71 81.17 77.94 67.11 65.48 61.92 67.53 67.53
Lang 0.83 0.83 0.80 0.86 0.83 0.68 0.83 65.45 70.12 79.29 72.97 73.17 68.12 70.69
Log4j 0.84 0.77 0.78 0.83 0.79 0.77 0.7 65.89 56.77 49.67 30.43 50.75 58.51 47.64
Ode 0.78 0.76 0.77 0.80 0.79 0.75 0.63 58.77 47.44 29.62 32.39 35.00 32.13 47.21
Accumulo 0.62 0.69 0.67 0.69 0.72 0.75 0.54 47.13 43.32 0.00 29.88 27.23 38.65 29.86
Click 0.57 0.64 0.66 0.66 0.67 0.67 0.47 21.12 44.93 0.00 0.00 15.10 42.12 15.14
Dataset Classifier RR SM SS Dataset Classifier RR SM SS
NB 61.85 64.84 70.28 NB 52.12 52.81 53.29
MLP 86.00 78.76 68.94 MLP 83.31 82.10 70.37
AB 80.45 78.05 80.51 AB 37.56 77.68 71.62
Bcel BG 93.19 82.59 76.80 Betwixt BG 84.97 84.73 73.98
LB 89.30 75.52 89.24 LB 75.98 84.46 72.20
RF 95.27 75.36 86.78 RF 92.73 76.71 85.15
J48 92.90 88.01 69.92 J48 89.01 85.09 74.07
NB 81.58 87.16 57.45 NB 49.80 62.89 52.49
MLP 92.89 87.74 79.37 MLP 90.19 80.26 67.61
AB 94.10 87.28 79.37 AB 79.97 71.98 63.39
Io BG 93.70 88.26 83.67 Ivy BG 90.41 87.44 64.14
LB 95.71 85.83 73.48 LB 79.09 76.11 63.39
RF 96.11 87.84 73.48 RF 95.82 90.22 41.41
J48 94.91 89.93 77.14 J48 93.97 85.67 69.85
NB 89.57 84.36 85.65 NB 69.50 72.16 74.07
MLP 96.51 91.88 70.27 MLP 91.35 89.15 72.98
AB 87.40 90.91 88.52 AB 88.54 87.50 77.48
Jcs BG 94.02 90.98 78.26 Lang BG 92.33 89.18 67.94
LB 96.10 88.56 86.86 LB 89.77 93.83 82.32
RF 98.02 92.79 83.15 RF 96.21 83.72 87.41
J48 94.48 93.10 83.15 J48 90.98 90.42 73.17
NB 78.35 75.53 72.17 NB 62.61 67.63 68.22
MLP 91.24 85.55 69.01 MLP 86.48 79.37 51.88
AB 73.43 79.36 76.19 AB 72.19 79.47 71.45
Log4j BG 90.50 85.07 72.84 Ode BG 92.33 86.21 75.35
LB 79.51 82.57 80.99 LB 82.71 54.86 35.34
RF 94.08 90.35 76.64 RF 96.05 91.18 70.67
J48 90.35 87.27 78.51 J48 91.66 87.64 70.87
NB 45.16 61.36 50.73 NB 42.78 65.24 31.72
MLP 74.98 73.43 59.41 MLP 81.39 79.22 47.43
AB 45.16 71.55 74.98 AB 68.24 78.90 38.98
Accumulo BG 89.86 85.12 61.18 Click BG 84.61 81.30 34.50
LB 74.63 74.76 67.76 LB 75.00 85.78 46.38
RF 94.65 88.96 64.95 RF 87.35 84.82 46.29
J48 89.37 82.42 59.11 J48 83.99 79.66 44.22
Dataset Classifier RR SM SS Dataset Classifier RR SM SS
NB 0.78 0.78 0.76 NB 0.77 0.82 0.69
MLP 0.93 0.9 0.77 MLP 0.89 0.89 0.75
AB 0.97 0.91 0.77 AB 0.79 0.87 0.79
Bcel BG 0.97 0.95 0.83 Betwixt BG 0.93 0.93 0.78
LB 0.94 0.93 0.93 LB 0.85 0.92 0.8
RF 0.99 0.96 0.84 RF 0.97 0.95 0.82
J48 0.96 0.9 0.72 J48 0.93 0.88 0.74
NB 0.95 0.97 0.78 NB 0.72 0.75 0.7
MLP 0.94 0.97 0.91 MLP 0.93 0.9 0.74
AB 0.96 0.97 0.88 AB 0.89 0.86 0.8
Io BG 0.98 0.95 0.80 Ivy BG 0.97 0.95 0.78
LB 0.98 0.96 0.89 LB 0.9 0.89 0.81
RF 0.99 0.96 0.89 RF 0.99 0.96 0.78
J48 0.95 0.89 0.76 J48 0.95 0.85 0.77
NB 0.91 0.89 0.89 NB 0.83 0.87 0.83
MLP 0.97 0.95 0.92 MLP 0.95 0.92 0.82
AB 0.95 0.94 0.89 AB 0.95 0.93 0.78
Jcs BG 0.97 0.97 0.86 Lang BG 0.96 0.93 0.83
LB 0.98 0.94 0.91 LB 0.95 0.95 0.82
RF 0.98 0.98 0.89 RF 0.96 0.95 0.82
J48 0.96 0.94 0.89 J48 0.93 0.9 0.69
NB 0.88 0.86 0.82 NB 0.84 0.81 0.83
MLP 0.96 0.93 0.84 MLP 0.91 0.89 0.75
AB 0.86 0.89 0.83 AB 0.87 0.9 0.81
Log4j BG 0.95 0.94 0.82 Ode BG 0.97 0.95 0.81
LB 0.89 0.91 0.82 LB 0.88 0.93 0.81
RF 0.97 0.96 0.84 RF 0.99 0.97 0.9
J48 0.93 0.92 0.79 J48 0.94 0.89 0.74
NB 0.74 0.70 0.713 NB 0.62 0.68 0.51
MLP 0.83 0.80 0.64 MLP 0.87 0.86 0.6
AB 0.83 0.78 0.65 AB 0.73 0.86 0.52
Accumulo BG 0.96 0.92 0.68 Click BG 0.91 0.9 0.54
LB 0.811 0.78 0.70 LB 0.81 0.93 0.59
RF 0.99 0.94 0.70 RF 0.95 0.92 0.95
J48 0.94 0.87 0.64 J48 0.9 0.86 0.57
Data set (GM) Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 p-value
Apache Bcel RR (3.57) SM (2.57) SS (2.86) No Resample (1.00) 0.002
Apache Betwixt RR (3.29) SM (3.14) SS (2.57) No Resample (1.00) 0.003
Apache IO RR (3.86) SM (3.14) SS (1.86) No Resample (1.14) 0.000
Apache Ivy RR (3.57) SM (3.14) SS (2.00) No Resample (1.29) 0.003
Apache Jcs RR (3.71) SM (3.00) SS (2.14) No Resample (1.14) 0.001
Apache Lang RR (3.57) SM (3.00) SS (2.14) No Resample (1.29) 0.006
Apache Log4j RR (3.43) SM (3.29) SS (2.29) No Resample (1.00) 0.001
Apache Ode RR (3.57) SM (3.14) SS (2.29) No Resample (1.00) 0.001
Apache Accumulo RR (3.14) SM (2.29) SS (2.43) No Resample (1.14) 0.007
Apache Click RR (3.57) SM (3.43) SS (2.00) No Resample (1.00) 0.000
Data set (AUC) Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 p-value
Apache Bcel RR (3.93) SM (3.00) SS (1.93) No Resample (1.14) 0.000
Apache Betwixt SM (3.57) RR (3.36) SS (2.00) No Resample (1.07) 0.000
Apache IO RR (3.57) SM (3.43) SS (1.71) No Resample (1.29) 0.001
Apache Ivy RR (3.86) SM (3.14) SS (2.00) No Resample (1.00) 0.000
Apache Jcs RR (3.86) SM (3.07) SS (1.86) No Resample (1.21) 0.001
Apache Lang RR (3.64) SM (3.21) No Resample (1.86) SS (1.29) 0.001
Apache Log4j RR (3.71) SM (3.29) SS (1.71) No Resample (1.29) 0.001
Apache Ode RR (3.71) SM (3.14) SS (2.00) No Resample (1.14) 0.001
Apache Accumulo RR (4.00) SM (2.86) No Resample (1.71) SS (1.43) 0.001
Apache Click RR (3.50) SM (3.29) No Resample (1.71) SS (1.50) 0.003
Pairwise resampling method G-Mean AUC
RR vs. SM Sig+(0.005) Sig+(0.006)
RR vs. SS Sig+(0.00) Sig+(0.00)
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