Heat (energy), water (mass), and work (pressure) are the most fundamental utilities for operation units in chemical plants. To reduce energy consumption and diminish environment hazards, various integration methods have been developed. The application of heat exchange networks (HENs), mass exchange networks (MENs), water allocation heat exchange networks (WAHENs) and work exchange networks (WENs) have resulted in the significant saving of energy and water. This review presents the main works related to each network. The similarities and differences of these networks are also discussed. Through comparing and discussing these different networks, this review inspires researchers to propose more efficient and convenient methods for the design of existing exchange networks and even new types of networks including multi-objective networks for the system integration in order to enhance the optimization and controllability of processes.
Corresponding Author(s):
WANG Jingtao,Email:wjingtao928@tju.edu.cn
. Heat, mass, and work exchange networks[J]. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2012, 6(4): 484-502.
Zhiyou CHEN, Jingtao WANG. Heat, mass, and work exchange networks. Front Chem Sci Eng, 2012, 6(4): 484-502.
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