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Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering

ISSN 2095-0179

ISSN 2095-0187(Online)

CN 11-5981/TQ

邮发代号 80-969

2019 Impact Factor: 3.552

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering  2020, Vol. 14 Issue (3): 436-452
Techno-economic comparison of three technologies for pre-combustion CO2 capture from a lignite-fired IGCC
Simon Roussanaly1(), Monika Vitvarova2, Rahul Anantharaman1, David Berstad1, Brede Hagen1, Jana Jakobsen1, Vaclav Novotny2, Geir Skaugen1
1. SINTEF Energy Research, NO-7465 Trondheim, Norway
2. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, 166 07 Prague 6, Czech Republic
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This paper compares the techno-economic performances of three technologies for CO2 capture from a lignite-based IGCC power plant located in the Czech Republic: (1) Physical absorption with a Rectisol-based process; (2) Polymeric CO2-selective membrane-based capture; (3) Low-temperature capture. The evaluations show that the IGCC plant with CO2 capture leads to costs of electricity between 91 and 120 €·MWh−1, depending on the capture technology employed, compared to 65 €·MWh−1 for the power plant without capture. This results in CO2 avoidance costs ranging from 42 to 84 €·tCO2,avoided−1 , mainly linked to the losses in net power output. From both energy and cost points of view, the low-temperature and Rectisol based CO2 capture processes are the most efficient capture technologies. Furthermore, partial CO2 capture appears as a good mean to ensure early implementation due to the limited increase in CO2 avoidance cost when considering partial capture. To go beyond the two specific CO2-selective membranes considered, a cost/membrane property map for CO2-selective membranes was developed. This map emphasise the need to develop high performance membrane to compete with solvent technology. Finally, the cost of the whole CCS chain was estimated at 54 €·tCO2,avoided−1 once pipeline transport and storage are taken into consideration.

Key wordscarbon capture and storage (CCS)    techno-economic comparison    pre-combustion capture    physical solvent    low-temperature capture
收稿日期: 2019-02-02      出版日期: 2020-04-28
Corresponding Author(s): Simon Roussanaly   
. [J]. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2020, 14(3): 436-452.
Simon Roussanaly, Monika Vitvarova, Rahul Anantharaman, David Berstad, Brede Hagen, Jana Jakobsen, Vaclav Novotny, Geir Skaugen. Techno-economic comparison of three technologies for pre-combustion CO2 capture from a lignite-fired IGCC. Front. Chem. Sci. Eng., 2020, 14(3): 436-452.
Lignite characteristic As received Dried
LHV /(MJ?kg?1) 16.50 21.99
HHV /(MJ?kg?1) 18.07 23.31
Moisture /wt-% 31.00 11.00
Ash /wt-% 8.97 11.57
Carbon /wt-% 42.26 54.51
Hydrogen /wt-% 3.66 4.72
Nitrogen /wt-% 0.60 0.77
Oxygen /wt-% 12.54 16.18
Sulphur /wt-% 0.97 1.25
Item Concentration /vol-% Value
CO 1.08
CO2 38.64
H2 53.41
N2 5.89
Ar 0.80
Other 0.18
Mass flow /(kg?s–1) 68
Pressure /bar 28.4
Temperature /°C 30
Component Concentration /vol%
H2 >80
CO <2.5
CO2 <8
H2S /ppm <30
Item Concentration /vol-% Value
Component >95
CO2 <3*
H2 <3*
N2 <3*
Ar <3*
O2 <2000
CO /ppm 100
H2S /ppm 300
Pressure /bar 110
Temperature /°C 40
Membrane Selectivity CO2 permeance /(m3(STP)?m?2?h?1?bar?1)
Membrane A [39] 10 2.7
Membrane B [29] 63 7
Technology Process contingency /%DC without contingencies [46] TRL-level [4] Owner’s costs and project contingencies /%EPC cost [47]
IGCC plant (except gasifier) Included in EBTF estimates ? 19
IGCC plant gasifier Including in EBTF estimates+ 10% ? 24
Rectisol CO2 capture and CO2 conditioning 10 8 24
Membrane CO2 capture 20 7 30
Low-temperature CO2 capture 30 6 36
Utilities and consumables Cost
Lignite /(€?GJ–1) [53] 2
Process water /(€?m–3) 3.15
Cooling water /(€?m–3) 0.15
Ash disposal /(€?t–1) Not included
Sulphur credit /(€?t–1) 0
Parameters No CO2 capture Rectisol capture Low-temperature capture Capture process based on membrane A Capture process based on membrane B
Lignite thermal power input /MWth 638.5 638.5 638.5 638.5 638.5
Gas turbine net power /MWe 181.8 168.8 167.2 156.9 163.4
Steam turbine gross power /MWe 134.8 101.9 102.7 95.0 96.6
Gross power output /MWe 316.7 270.7 269.9 255.1 260.0
Fuel treatment /MWe 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8
ASU unit /MWe 16.6 16.6 16.6 16.6 16.6
O2/N2 compressors /MWe 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.8
Gasifier unit including quench (fans+compressors) /MWe 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7
AGR unit /MWe 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6
CO2 capture unit /MWe ? 1.2 13.9 30.7 8
CO2 conditioning unit /MWe ? 13.9 ? 14.8 14.8
Steam cycle auxiliaries /MWe 3.5 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3
Net power output /MWe 275.7 214.8 215.2 168.7 196.3
CO2 capture ratio /% ? 89.0 84.1 86.9 86.9
CCR /% ? 86.6 81.8 84.6 84.6
Specific CO2 capture and conditioning work /(MJe?kgqC O2,?eq captured–1) ? 0.30 0.29 0.92 0.46
Specific CO2 emissions /(gCO 2?kWh–1) 764 103 139 117 118
KPIs CO2 capture ratio /% 50 60 75 85
LCOE /(€?MWh–1) Rectisol ? 91 96 97
Low-temperature 83 ? ? 91
Capture process based on membrane A 95 98 108 120
Capture process based on membrane B 88 87 92 99
CAC /(€?tC O2,?avoided–1) Rectisol ? 56 51 47
Low-temperature 48 ? ? 42
Capture process based on membrane A 78 71 75 84
Capture process based on membrane B 59 49 47 53
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