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Frontiers of Physics

ISSN 2095-0462

ISSN 2095-0470(Online)

CN 11-5994/O4

邮发代号 80-965

2019 Impact Factor: 2.502

Frontiers of Physics  2015, Vol. 10 Issue (5): 100306
Trapped Bose−Einstein condensates in synthetic magnetic field
Qiang Zhao1,2,Qiang Gu1,*()
1. Department of Physics, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China
2. School of Science, North China University of Science and Technology, Tangshan 063009, China
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The rotational properties of Bose−Einstein condensates in a synthetic magnetic field are studied by numerically solving the Gross−Pitaevskii equation and comparing the results to those of condensates confined in a rotating trap. It appears to be more difficult to add a large angular momentum to condensates spun up by the synthetic magnetic field than by the rotating trap. However, strengthening the repulsive interaction between atoms is an effective and realizable route to overcoming this problem and can at least generate vortex-lattice-like structures. In addition, the validity of the Feynman rule for condensates in the synthetic magnetic field is verified.

Key wordsBose−Einstein condensates    synthetic magnetic field    vortices
收稿日期: 2015-05-17      出版日期: 2015-10-26
Corresponding Author(s): Qiang Gu   
. [J]. Frontiers of Physics, 2015, 10(5): 100306.
Qiang Zhao,Qiang Gu. Trapped Bose−Einstein condensates in synthetic magnetic field. Front. Phys. , 2015, 10(5): 100306.
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