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Protein & Cell

ISSN 1674-800X

ISSN 1674-8018(Online)

CN 11-5886/Q

邮发代号 80-984

2019 Impact Factor: 10.164

Protein & Cell  2019, Vol. 10 Issue (1): 1-4
“In front of patients, I will always be a pupil.” Dr. Xiaoqian Zhang: the founder of the modern Chinese gastroenterology
Lu Wang, Xudong Liu, Wenli Duan, Shu-yang Zhang()
Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100730, China
 全文: PDF(1274 KB)  
出版日期: 2019-01-31
Corresponding Author(s): Shu-yang Zhang   
. [J]. Protein & Cell, 2019, 10(1): 1-4.
Lu Wang, Xudong Liu, Wenli Duan, Shu-yang Zhang. “In front of patients, I will always be a pupil.” Dr. Xiaoqian Zhang: the founder of the modern Chinese gastroenterology. Protein Cell, 2019, 10(1): 1-4.
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