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Frontiers in Biology

ISSN 1674-7984

ISSN 1674-7992(Online)

CN 11-5892/Q

Front. Biol.    2015, Vol. 10 Issue (4) : 377-385
Functional and structural characterization of missense mutations in PAX6 gene
S. Udhaya Kumar,N. Priyanka,P. Sneha,C. George Priya Doss()
Medical Biotechnology Division, School of Biosciences and Technology, VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu 632014, India
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The PAX6 gene belongs to the Paired box (PAX) family of transcription factors that is tissue specific and required for the differentiation and proliferation of cells in embryonic development. PAX6 regulates the pattern formation in early developmental stages. This function of PAX6 protein enables the successful completion of neurogenesis and oculogenesis in most animals such as mice, Drosophila and some other model organisms including humans. A variation in the sequence of PAX6 gene may alter the function and structure of the protein. Such changes can produce adverse effects on functioning of the PAX6 protein which were clinically observed to occur in a broad range of ocular defects such as aniridia in humans. We employed in silico prediction methods such as SIFT, PolyPhen 2; I mutant 3.0, SNAP, SNPs&GO, and PHD-SNP to screen the pathogenic missense mutation in PAX6 and DNA binding sites by BindN and BindN+ . Furthermore, we employed KD4V server to examine the structural and functional modifications that occur in the PAX6 protein as a result of mutation. Based on the results obtained from the in silico prediction methods, we carried out modeling analysis for V53L, I56T, G64V, and I87R to visualize the impact of mutation in structural context.

Keywords PAX6      missense mutation      DNA-protein     
Corresponding Author(s): C. George Priya Doss   
Just Accepted Date: 06 January 2015   Issue Date: 14 August 2015
 Cite this article:   
S. Udhaya Kumar,N. Priyanka,P. Sneha, et al. Functional and structural characterization of missense mutations in PAX6 gene[J]. Front. Biol., 2015, 10(4): 377-385.
Fig.1  Mutational mapping in PAX6. The position of the four highly deleterious mutations have been mapped on the structure of PAX6 protein (PDB ID: 6PAX) using PyMOL The DNA bound to the protein is visualized in cartoon shape in grey color followed by helices in cyan, beta strands in magenta and the loop in salmon color. The native amino acids V53, I56, G64 and I87 are shown in red spheres.
SNPs/Variants Position SIFT PolyPhen2 I-Mutant3.0 SNAP SNPs&GO PhD-SNP
VAR_003808 N17S 0.04 0.535 Large decrease Non-neutral Disease Disease
VAR_003809 G18W 0 1 Large increase Non-neutral Disease Disease
VAR_047860 R19P 0 1 Large decrease Non-neutral Disease Neutral
VAR_003810 R26G 0 1 Decrease Non-neutral Disease Disease
VAR_008694 I29S 0 1 Large decrease Non-neutral Disease Neutral
VAR_003811 I29V 0 0.996 Large increase Neutral Disease Neutral
VAR_008695 A33P 0 1 Large decrease Non-neutral Disease Neutral
VAR_008697 I42S 0 0.999 Large decrease Non-neutral Disease Neutral
VAR_008698 S43P 0 0.999 Large increase Non-neutral Disease Disease
VAR_003812 R44Q 0 0.999 Large decrease Non-neutral Disease Neutral
VAR_047861 L46R 0 1 Large increase Non-neutral Disease Disease
VAR_047862 C52R 0 1 Large increase Non-neutral Disease Disease
VAR_008700 V53D 0 1 Large Increase Non-neutral Disease Disease
VAR_008699 V53L 0 0.999 Large decrease Non-neutral Disease Disease
VAR_047863 I56T 0 1 Large decrease Non-neutral Disease Disease
VAR_008701 T63P 0 1 Large decrease Non-neutral Disease Neutral
VAR_008702 G64V 0 1 Large decrease Non-neutral Disease Disease
VAR_017540 P68S 0 1 Decrease Non-neutral Disease Disease
VAR_047864 G73D 0 1 Large Increase Non-neutral Disease Disease
VAR_008703 A79E 0 1 Large Decrease Non-neutral Disease Disease
rs372222637 V83I 0 0.998 Large decrease Neutral Disease Neutral
VAR_047865 I87K 0 0.989 Large decrease Non-neutral Disease Neutral
VAR_003813 I87R 0 1 Large decrease Non-neutral Disease Disease
VAR_015065 P118R 0 1 Large increase Non-neutral Disease Disease
VAR_008704 S119R 0 1 Large decrease Non-neutral Disease Disease
VAR_017541 R125C 0 0.214 Large decrease Non-neutral Disease Disease
VAR_008705 V126D 0 0.999 Large decrease Non-neutral Disease Disease
VAR_003814 R128C 0 0.999 Large decrease Non-neutral Disease Disease
rs371018133 M137I 0.36 0.011 Large decrease Neutral Disease Neutral
rs201983312 Y143C 0 0.926 Large decrease Neutral Disease Disease
rs372143889 R159C 0.06 0.007 Large increase Non-neutral Disease Disease
rs141021880 T166S 0.36 0 Large decrease Neutral Disease Neutral
rs151086737 S167L 0.43 0.012 Large decrease Non-neutral Disease Neutral
VAR_003815 Q178H 0.33 0.77 Large decrease Neutral Disease Neutral
rs138803897 E181K 0.09 0.001 Large decrease Neutral Disease Neutral
rs374396492 G194R 0.01 0.791 Large increase Neutral Disease Disease
VAR_008706 R208Q 0 1 Large increase Non-neutral Disease Disease
VAR_003816 R208W 0 1 Large increase Non-neutral Disease Disease
VAR_047866 R242T 0 0.992 Large increase Non-neutral Disease Disease
VAR_017542 F258S 0 0.986 Large decrease Non-neutral Disease Disease
rs201846044 R267G 0.01 1 Large increase Non-neutral Disease Disease
rs199610944 R267I 0 1 Large decrease Non-neutral Disease Neutral
rs201439078 K270E 0.01 0.751 NA Non-neutral Disease Disease
VAR_017543 S292I 0.39 0.907 Large decrease Non-neutral Disease Disease
VAR_047867 A321T 0.56 0.736 Large decrease Non-neutral Disease Neutral
VAR_008707 S353A 0.27 0.214 Large increase Neutral Disease Neutral
VAR_017544 S363P 0.08 0 Large increase Neutral Disease Neutral
rs201690439 T373S 0.73 0.232 Large decrease Neutral Disease Neutral
VAR_015066 P375Q 0.1 0.498 Large decrease Neutral Disease Disease
VAR_017545 Q378R 0.73 0.22 Large decrease Neutral Disease Neutral
VAR_017546 M381V 0.51 0 Large decrease Neutral Disease Neutral
VAR_047868 G387D 0.71 0.058 Large decrease Non-neutral Disease Neutral
VAR_017547 T391A 0.62 0.001 Large decrease Neutral Disease Neutral
VAR_067698 G395R 0 0.891 Large increase Non-neutral Disease Neutral
VAR_008708 Q422R 0 0.993 Large decrease Non-neutral Disease Neutral
Tab.1  Summary of nsSNP along with their prediction scores of by computational methods in PAX6 gene
Mutation Size Charge Hydrophobicity Polarity Accessibility Prediction
V53L Increase Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged 1.51(Buried) 1.34( Buried) Deleterious
I56T Decrease Unchanged Decrease Increase 11.26 (Intermediate)12.92 (Intermediate) Deleterious
G64V Increase Unchanged Increase Unchanged 32.07 (Accessible)52.04 (Accessible) Deleterious
I87R Increase Increase Decrease Increase 0.07 (Buried)0.00 (Buried) Deleterious
Tab.2  Prediction of physico-chemical properties by KD4V server
Mutation DNA binding site ( PDBSUM) BindN Confidence score BindN+ Confidence score
3S Present Present 0.5244 Present 0.6925
22R Present Present 0.647 Present 0.6885
29R Present Present 0.871 Present 0.5622
41R Present Present 0.7567 Present 0.47
52S Present Present 0.5889 Present 0.4876
57S Present Present 0.779 Present 0.5972
58K Present Present 0.8645 Present 0.7604
62R Present Present 0.6959 Present 0.7972
72R Present Present 0.5116 Present 0.5668
77S Present Present 0.8737 Present 0.9198
78K Present Present 0.22 Present 0.9309
80R Present Present 0.3559 Present 0.9521
111S Present Present 0.5484 Present 0.93
124S Present Present 0.5594 Present 0.5916
125S Present Present 0.4949 Present 0.2874
127W Present Present 0.4313 Present 0.703
128R Present Present 0.811 Present 0.5084
137R Present Present 0.7014 Present 0.4059
Tab.3  DNA Binding site determination using PDBSUM, BindN and BindN+ tool
Fig.2  Closer view of the deleterious mutations and their interactions. The structure of the PAX6 protein is shown using cartoon feature in PyMOL The helices have been shown in cyan colour, the beta stands in magenta and the loop in salmon color. Further, the helices and beta strands have been labeled to better understand the location of the mutations in the protein structure. (A) At position 53, the native amino acid valine is substituted with leucine. The native and mutant residues are undergoing polar contact with the surrounding amino acids L57, K55, C52, S49 and N50. (B) At position 56, the native amino acid isoleucine is substituted with threonine. The native residue undergoes polar contact with Y60, R59 and C52, whereas the mutant residue undergoes polar contact with L57. (C) At position 64, the native amino acid glycine is substituted with valine. The native and mutant residues undergo polar contact with the surrounding amino acid Y60. Further the amino acids S65 and T63 are close to the affected residue and will be affected by variations occurring in that position. (D) At position 87, the native amino acid isoleucine is substituted with arginine. At this position, the native residue undergoes polar contact with the surrounding amino acids Y90, K91, V83 and V84.
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