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Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering

ISSN 2095-7505

ISSN 2095-977X(Online)

CN 10-1204/S

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Front. Agr. Sci. Eng.    2022, Vol. 9 Issue (2) : 284-294
Léa KERVROËDAN1(), David HOUBEN1, Julien GUIDET1, Julia DENIER1, Anne-Maïmiti DULAURENT1, Elisa MARRACCINI2,3, Amandine DELIGEY2,4, Charlotte JOURNEL4, Justine LAMERRE4, Michel-Pierre FAUCON1
1. UniLaSalle Polytechnic Institute, AGHYLE (SFR Condorcet FR CNRS 3417), 19 rue Pierre Waguet, 60026 Beauvais, France
2. UniLaSalle Polytechnic Institute, InTerACT (UP 2018.C102), 19 rue Pierre Waguet, 60026 Beauvais, France
3. Department of Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Animal Sciences, University of Udine, Via delle Scienze 206, 33100, Udine, Italy
4. Agro-Transfert Ressources et Territoires, 2 Chaussée de Brunehaut, 80200 Estrées Mons, France
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● Agri-environmental assessment of food, feed and/or biogas cropping systems (CS).

● Four-year experiment for the agri-environmental assessment of two innovative CS.

● Biogas CS has equal soil returned biomass than food CS but higher exported biomass.

● Feed and biogas CS present higher biomass productivity, but higher CO2 emissions.

● CO2 emissions related to produced biomass are 26% (±5%) lower in biogas CS.

Bioenergy, currently the largest renewable energy source in the EU (64% of the total renewable energy consumption), has sparked great interest to meet the 32% renewable resources for the 2030 bioeconomy goal. The design of innovative cropping systems informed by bioeconomy imperatives requires the evaluate of the effects of introducing crops for bioenergy into conventional crop rotations. This study aimed to assess the impacts of changes in conventional cropping systems in mixed dairy cattle farms redesigned to introduce bioenergy crops either by increasing the biomass production through an increase of cover crops, while keeping main feed/food crops, or by substituting food crops with an increase of the crop rotation length. The assessment is based on the comparison between conventional and innovative systems oriented to feed and biogas production, with and without tillage, to evaluate their agri-environmental performances (biomass production, nitrogen fertilization autonomy, greenhouse gas emissions and biogas production). The result showed higher values in the biogas cropping system than in the conventional and feed ones for all indicators, biomass productivity (27% and 20% higher, respectively), nitrogen fertilization autonomy (26% and 73% higher, respectively), methanogenic potential (77% and 41% higher, respectively) and greenhouse gas emissions (15% and 3% higher, respectively). There were no negative impacts of no-till compared to the tillage practice, for all tested variables. The biogas cropping system showed a better potential in terms of agri-environmental performance, although its greenhouse gas emissions were higher. Consequently, it would be appropriate to undertake a multicriteria assessment integrating agri-environmental, economic and social performances.

Keywords alternative cropping systems      bioeconomy      biogas      biomass production      fertilization autonomy      greenhouse gas assessment     
Corresponding Author(s): Léa KERVROËDAN   
Just Accepted Date: 11 March 2022   Online First Date: 11 April 2022    Issue Date: 25 May 2022
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Fig.1  Experimental design of the study site, locating the conventional cropping system (Conv), the feed cropping system (Feed) and the biogas cropping system integrating high biomass productivity (Biom), as well as the tillage and no tillage treatments.
Fig.2  Detailed crop rotations of each tested cropping systems, integrating the harvested time and the amendment type for each crop. Reprinted from Denier et al.[26], with permission from Elsevier.
Fig.3  Differences between each cropping system under tillage/no tillage conditions within a full crop rotation (4 years) for the total aboveground biomass productivity (A); returned aboveground biomass (B); and exported biomass (C). The bars represent the mean ± standard error. The letters represent the significant differences between each cropping system according to Tukey post-hoc tests. The significance level “ns” means not significant.
Time Cropping system type Tillage No tillage
Beginning of winter Conv 57.9±8.11 52.4±7.34
Feed 74.6±10.1 53.3±8.35
Biom 61.9±6.49 70.7±12.1
End of winter Conv 72.4±9.77 61.9±5.39
Feed 82.9±16.9 67.1±8.21
Biom 66.6±8.15 70.1±10.1
Tab.1  Mean values of the soil N residual (kg·ha−1 (mean ± SE)) at the beginning and the end of winter for each cropping and tillage/no tillage conditions
Fig.4  Differences between each cropping system within a full crop rotation (4 years) for the exported N quantity in the biomass (A); the returned N quantity in the biomass (B); the relation between the returned N (from crop residues) and the exported N quantities in the biomass (C). The bars represent the mean ± standard deviation. The letters represent the significant differences between each cropping system according to Tukey post-hoc test. The significance level “ns” means not significant.
Fig.5  Differences between each cropping system within a full crop rotation (4 years) for the total greenhouse gas emissions (A); and the greenhouse gas emissions per ton of dried biomass produced (B). The bars represent the mean ± standard deviation. The letters represent the significant differences between each cropping system according to Tukey post-hoc tests. The significance level “ns” means not significant.
Fig.6  Agri-environmental assessment identifying the relative part of each cropping system for the four main services (green) and disservices (red)–biomass productivity (overall productivity at the crop rotation level), N fertilization autonomy (relation between the N returned and N exported, both from the biomass), methanogenic potential (weighted with the biomass productivity for each crop and reported at the system level) and greenhouse gas emissions (total emissions per hectare for the overall system).
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