symbolic model checking APSL |
Wanwei LIU( ), Ji WANG( ), Huowang CHEN, Xiaodong MA, Zhaofei WANG |
National Laboratory for Parallel and Distributed Processing, School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China |
Abstract Property specification language (PSL) is a specification language which has been accepted as an industrial standard. In PSL, SEREs are used as additional formula constructs. In this paper, we present a variant of PSL, namely APSL, which replaces SEREs with finite automata. APSL and PSL are of the exactly same expressiveness. Then, we extend the LTL symbolic model checking algorithm to that of APSL, and then present a tableau based APSL verification technique, which can be easily implemented via the BDD based symbolic approach. Moreover, we implement an extension of NuSMV, and this adapted version supports symbolic model checking of APSL. Experimental results show that this variant of PSL can be efficiently verified. Henceforth, symbolic model checking PSL can be carried out by a transformation from PSL to APSL and symbolic model checking APSL.
property specification language
symbolic model checking
tableau approach
extended NuSMV
Corresponding Author(s):
LIU Wanwei,Email:{wwliu,wj}@nudt.edu.cn; WANG Ji,Email:{wwliu,wj}@nudt.edu.cn
Issue Date: 05 March 2009
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