A bipartite model for load balancing in grid
computing environments |
Wenchao JIANG1,Matthias BAUMGARTEN2,Yanhong ZHOU3,Hai JIN3, |
1.School of Computer
Science and Technology, Hubei bioinformatics and molecular imaging
key laboratory, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan
430074, China;Information Engineering
College of Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China; 2.Faculty of Computing
and Engineering, University of Ulster, Shore Road, Newtownabbey BT37
0QB, UK; 3.School of Computer
Science and Technology, Hubei bioinformatics and molecular imaging
key laboratory, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan
430074, China; |
Abstract In this paper, a bipartite model for load balancing (LB) in grid computing environments, called Transverse viewpoint-based Bi-Tier model (TBT), is proposed. TBT can efficiently eliminate topology mismatching between overlay- and physical-networks during the load transfer process. As an implementation of TBT, a novel LB policy called M2ON (Min-cost and Max-flow Channel based Overlay Network) is presented. In M2ON, the communication capability is denoted as M2C (Min-cost and Max-flow Channel) which is obtained using a Labeled Tree Probing (LTP) method. The computing capacity is denoted as the Idle Factor (IF) which is obtained from the semantic overlay. The higher- and lower-level characteristics are combined into an Integrated Impacting Factor (IIF) using a Double Linear Inserting (DLI) function. Based on IIF, optimal topology matching can be achieved in the LB process. Extensive experiments and simulations have been performed and will be discussed. The results show that M2ON achieves more accurate topology matching with a minimum increment in the overall locating time yet achieving higher system performance as a whole.
grid computing
load balancing (LB)
min-cost and max-flow channel (M2C)
topology mismatching
labeled tree probing (LTP)
double linear inserting (DLI)
Issue Date: 05 December 2009
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