Visual data security and management for smart
cities |
Zhenyong CHEN,Wei FAN,Zhang XIONG,Pingan ZHANG,Lixin LUO, |
School of Computer Science
and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China; |
Abstract This paper proposes a method to manage and utilize image and video data effectively in a smart city. Applying digital watermarking techniques, a framework for visual data security and management for smart cities is presented. In the framework, a reversible fragile or semi-fragile watermark embedded into the visual data is used to ensure trusted acquisition. Moreover, reversible metadata watermarks carrying information such as identification and other properties data is used to assist visual data management. A solution for tracing users on a large scale is presented using reversible watermarking.
smart city
metropolis dynamic data center
data vitalization
data security and management
reversible watermarking
Issue Date: 05 September 2010
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