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Frontiers of Computer Science

ISSN 2095-2228

ISSN 2095-2236(Online)

CN 10-1014/TP

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2018 Impact Factor: 1.129

Front Comput Sci Chin    2011, Vol. 5 Issue (3) : 341-352
Pre-post notation is questionable in effectively specifying operations of object-oriented systems
Shaoying LIU()
Department of Computer Science, Hosei University, Tokyo184–8584, Japan
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There is a growing tendency for people in the community of object-oriented methods to use pre- and post-conditions to write formal specifications for operations (methods) of classes. The motivation for trying to take advantage of well established formalism in precisely defining the functionality of operations is laudable, but unfortunately this exercise may be flawed because the use of pre- and post-conditions containing method calls (or similar) with side effects are likely to cause confusion in the interpretation of specifications. This paper analyzes, with comprehensible examples, why using pre-post notation is not effective to specify operations in object-oriented systems in general, discusses existing approaches to using pre-post notation for object-oriented systems, and offers some solutions to the problem.

Keywords formal specification      object-oriented systems      software development     
Corresponding Author(s): LIU Shaoying,   
Issue Date: 05 September 2011
 Cite this article:   
Shaoying LIU. Pre-post notation is questionable in effectively specifying operations of object-oriented systems[J]. Front Comput Sci Chin, 2011, 5(3): 341-352.
Fig.1  Specification of class A
Fig.2  Speci.cation of anotherClass1
Fig.3  Another possible specification for class A
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