Forecasting complex group behavior via multiple plan recognition |
Xiaochen LI, Wenji MAO( ), Daniel ZENG |
State Key Laboratory of Management and Control for Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China |
Abstract Group behavior forecasting is an emergent research and application field in social computing. Most of the existing group behavior forecasting methods have heavily relied on structured data which is usually hard to obtain. To ease the heavy reliance on structured data, in this paper, we propose a computational approach based on the recognition of multiple plans/intentions underlying group behavior.We further conduct human experiment to empirically evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed approach.
group behavior forecasting
multiple plan recognition
graph search
Corresponding Author(s):
MAO Wenji,Email:wenji.mao@ia.ac.cn
Issue Date: 01 February 2012
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