An efficient MAC scheme for secure network coding with probabilistic detection |
Boyang WANG( ), Hui LI, Jin CAO |
State Key Laboratory of Integrated Services Networks, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China |
Abstract Network coding is vulnerable to pollution attacks, which prevent receivers from recovering the source message correctly. Most existing schemes against pollution attacks either bring significant redundancy to the original message or require a high computational complexity to verify received blocks. In this paper, we propose an efficient scheme against pollution attacks based on probabilistic key pre-distribution and homomorphic message authentication codes (MACs). In our scheme, each block is attached with a small number of MACs and each node can use these MACs to verify the integrity of the corresponding block with a high probability. Compared to previous schemes, our scheme still leverages a small number of keys to generate MACs for each block, but more than doubles the detection probability.Meanwhile, our scheme is able to efficiently restrict pollution propagation within a small number of hops. Experimental results show that our scheme is more efficient in verification than existing ones based on public-key cryptography.
secure network coding
pollution attacks
homomorphic message authentication codes (MACs)
probabilistic detection
Corresponding Author(s):
WANG Boyang,Email:xd.bywang@gmail.com
Issue Date: 01 August 2012
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