Co-occurrence prediction in a large location-based social network |
Rong-Hua LI1( ), Jianquan LIU2,3, Jeffrey Xu YU1, Hanxiong CHEN2, Hiroyuki KITAGAWA2 |
1. Department of System Engineering and EngineeringManagement, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China; 2. Faculty of Engineering, Information and systems, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577, Japan; 3. Cloud System Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation, Tokyo 108-8001, Japan |
Abstract Location-based social network (LBSN) is at the forefront of emerging trends in social network services (SNS) since the users in LBSN are allowed to “check-in” the places (locations) when they visit them. The accurate geographical and temporal information of these check-in actions are provided by the end-user GPS-enabled mobile devices, and recorded by the LBSN system. In this paper, we analyze and mine a big LBSN data, Gowalla, collected by us. First, we investigate the relationship between the spatio-temporal cooccurrences and social ties, and the results show that the cooccurrences are strongly correlative with the social ties. Second, we present a study of predicting two users whether or not they will meet (co-occur) at a place in a given future time, by exploring their check-in habits. In particular, we first introduce two new concepts, bag-of-location and bag-of-time-lag, to characterize user’s check-in habits. Based on such bag representations, we define a similarity metric called habits similarity to measure the similarity between two users’ check-in habits. Then we propose a machine learning formula for predicting co-occurrence based on the social ties and habits similarities. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments on our dataset, and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
location-based social networks
Corresponding Author(s):
LI Rong-Hua,Email:rhli@se.cuhk.edu.hk
Issue Date: 01 April 2013
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