Some new distance measures for type-2 fuzzy sets and distance measure based ranking for group decision making problems |
Pushpinder SINGH( ) |
Department of Computer Science, Palacky University, Olomouc CZ-77146, Czech Republic |
Abstract In this paper, we propose some distance measures between type-2 fuzzy sets, and also a new family of utmost distance measures are presented. Several properties of different proposed distance measures have been introduced. Also, we have introduced a new ranking method for the ordering of type-2 fuzzy sets based on the proposed distance measure. The proposed ranking method satisfies the reasonable properties for the ordering of fuzzy quantities. Some properties such as robustness, order relation have been presented. Limitations of existing ranking methods have been studied. Further for practical use, a new method for selecting the best alternative, for group decision making problems is proposed. This method is illustrated with a numerical example.
fuzzy sets
type-2 fuzzy sets
ranking function
group decision making problems
Corresponding Author(s):
Pushpinder SINGH
Issue Date: 11 October 2014
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