A complete coalition logic of temporal knowledge for multi-agent systems |
Qingliang CHEN1,Kaile SU2,Yong HU3,Guiwu HU4,*( ) |
1. Department of Computer Science, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China 2. Institute for Integrated and Intelligent Systems, Griffith University, Brisbane Qld 4111, Australia 3. Institute of Business Intelligence and Knowledge Discovery, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510006, China 4. School of Mathematics and Statistics, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics, Guangzhou 510320, China |
Abstract Coalition logic (CL) is one of the most influential logical formalisms for strategic abilities of multi-agent systems. CL can specify what a group of agents can achieve through choices of their actions, denoted by [C]? to state that a group of agents C can have a strategy to bring about ? by collective actions, no matter what the other agents do. However, CL lacks the temporal dimension and thus can not capture the dynamic aspects of a system. Therefore, CL can not formalize the evolvement of rational mental attitudes of the agents such as knowledge, which has been shown to be very useful in specifications and verifications of distributed systems, and has received substantial amount of studies. In this paper, we introduce coalition logic of temporal knowledge (CLTK), by incorporating a temporal logic of knowledge (Halpern and Vardi’s logic of CKLn) into CL to equip CL with the power to formalize how agents’ knowledge (individual or group knowledge) evolves over the time by coalitional forces and the temporal properties of strategic abilities as well. Furthermore, we provide an axiomatic system for CLTK and prove that it is sound and complete, along with the complexity of the satisfiability problem which is shown to be EXPTIME-complete.
coalition logic
temporal logic of knowledge
complete axiomatization
multi-agent systems
Corresponding Author(s):
Guiwu HU
Issue Date: 09 February 2015
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