Topic hierarchy construction from heterogeneous evidence |
Han XUE1,2,Bing QIN1,Ting LIU1,*( ),Shen LIU1 |
1. School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China 2. Harbin Engineering University Library, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China |
Abstract Existing studies on hierarchy constructionmainly focus on text corpora and indiscriminately mix numerous topics,thus increasing the possibility of knowledge acquisition bottlenecks and misconceptions. To address these problems and provide a comprehensive and in-depth representation of domain specific topics, we propose a novel topic hierarchy construction method with real-time update. This method combines heterogeneous evidence from multiple sources including folksonomy and encyclopedia, separately in both initial topic hierarchy construction and topic hierarchy improvement.Results of comprehensive experiments indicate that the proposed method significantly outperforms state-of-theart methods (t-test, p-value<0.000 1); recall has particularly improved by 20.4% to 38.7%.
hierarchy construction
Chinese topic hierarchy
heterogeneous evidence
hierarchy update
Corresponding Author(s):
Ting LIU
Just Accepted Date: 04 June 2015
Issue Date: 06 January 2016
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