Abstract In recent years, data quality issues have attracted wide attentions. Data quality problems are mainly caused by dirty data. Currently, many methods for dirty data management have been proposed, and one of them is entity-based relational database in which one tuple represents an entity. The traditional query optimizations are not suitable for the new entity-based model. Then new query optimizations need to be developed. In this paper, we propose a new query selectivity estimation strategy based on histogram, and focus on solving the overestimation which traditional methods lead to. We prove our approaches are unbiased. The experimental results on both real and synthetic data sets show that our approaches can give good estimates with low error.
query estimation
data quality
dirty data management
Corresponding Author(s):
Yan ZHANG,Hongzhi WANG,Long YANG,Jianzhong LI
Just Accepted Date: 19 July 2016
Online First Date: 22 September 2017
Issue Date: 21 September 2018
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