HGeoHashBase: an optimized storage model of spatial objects for location-based services |
Jingwei ZHANG1,2, Chao YANG1,2, Qing YANG3( ), Yuming LIN1, Yanchun ZHANG4 |
1. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Trusted Software, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China 2. Guangxi Cooperative Innovation Center of Cloud Computing and Big Data, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China 3. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Automatic Measurement Technology and Instrument, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China 4. Centre for Applied Informatics, College of Engineering and Science, Victoria University,Melbourne 8001, Australia |
Abstract Many location-based services need to query objects existing in a specific space, such as location-based tourism resource recommendation. Both a large number of spatial objects and the real-time object access requirements of location-based services pose a big challenge for spatial object storage and query management. In this paper, we propose HGeoHashBase, an improved storage model by integrating GeoHash with key-value structure, to organize spatial objects for efficient range queries. GeoHash is responsible for spatial encoding and key-value structure as underlying data storage. Both the similarity of the encodings for objects in the close geographical locations and the multi-version data mechanism are blended into the proposed model well. Considering the tradeoff between encoding precision and query performance, a theoretical proof is presented. Extensive experiments are designed and conducted, whose results show that the proposed model can gain significant performance improvement.
location-based services
distributed storage model
storage and access optimization
Corresponding Author(s):
Just Accepted Date: 15 November 2017
Online First Date: 04 September 2018
Issue Date: 24 September 2019
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