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Frontiers of Computer Science

ISSN 2095-2228

ISSN 2095-2236(Online)

CN 10-1014/TP

Postal Subscription Code 80-970

2018 Impact Factor: 1.129

Front. Comput. Sci.    2019, Vol. 13 Issue (4) : 802-812
Enhancing subspace clustering based on dynamic prediction
Ratha PECH1,2, Dong HAO1,2, Hong CHENG3, Tao ZHOU1,2()
1. Complex Lab, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China
2. Big Data Research Center, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China
3. Center for Robotics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China
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In high dimensional data, many dimensions are irrelevant to each other and clusters are usually hidden under noise. As an important extension of the traditional clustering, subspace clustering can be utilized to simultaneously cluster the high dimensional data into several subspaces and associate the low-dimensional subspaces with the corresponding points. In subspace clustering, it is a crucial step to construct an affinity matrix with block-diagonal form, in which the blocks correspond to different clusters. The distance-based methods and the representation-based methods are two major types of approaches for building an informative affinity matrix. In general, it is the difference between the density inside and outside the blocks that determines the efficiency and accuracy of the clustering. In this work, we introduce a well-known approach in statistic physics method, namely link prediction, to enhance subspace clustering by reinforcing the affinity matrix.More importantly,we introduce the idea to combine complex network theory with machine learning. By revealing the hidden links inside each block, we maximize the density of each block along the diagonal, while restrain the remaining non-blocks in the affinity matrix as sparse as possible. Our method has been shown to have a remarkably improved clustering accuracy comparing with the existing methods on well-known datasets.

Keywords subspace clustering      link prediction      blockdiagonal matrix      low-rank representation      sparse representation     
Corresponding Author(s): Tao ZHOU   
Just Accepted Date: 25 September 2017   Online First Date: 04 September 2018    Issue Date: 29 May 2019
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Ratha PECH,Dong HAO,Hong CHENG, et al. Enhancing subspace clustering based on dynamic prediction[J]. Front. Comput. Sci., 2019, 13(4): 802-812.
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