A self-adaptive correction method for perspective distortions of image |
Lihua WU( ), Qinghua SHANG, Yupeng SUN, Xu BAI |
School of Measurement and Communication, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150080, China |
Abstract Frequently, the shooting angles available to photograph an object are limited, and the resultant images contain perspective distortions. These distortions make more difficult to perform subsequent tasks like feature extraction and information identification. This paper suggested a perspective correction method that extracts automatically distortion features through edge detection. Results showed that this method is powerful in correcting images with perspective distortions. The corrected image has virtually little information missing, clear features and high recovery rate.
perspective correction
perspective transformation
Hough transform
edge detection
Corresponding Author(s):
Lihua WU
Just Accepted Date: 12 September 2018
Online First Date: 04 April 2019
Issue Date: 24 April 2019
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