Joint view synthesis and disparity refinement for stereo matching |
Gaochang WU1,2, Yipeng LI2, Yuanhao HUANG3, Yebin LIU2( ) |
1. State Key Laboratory of Synthetical Automation for Process Industries, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China 2. Broadband Network & Digital Media Lab, Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China 3. Orbbec Company, Shenzhen 518061, China |
Abstract Typical stereo algorithms treat disparity estimation and view synthesis as two sequential procedures. In this paper, we consider stereo matching and view synthesis as two complementary components, and present a novel iterative refinement model for joint view synthesis and disparity refinement. To achieve the mutual promotion between view synthesis and disparity refinement, we apply two key strategies, disparity maps fusion and disparity-assisted plane sweep-based rendering (DAPSR). On the one hand, the disparity maps fusion strategy is applied to generate disparity map from synthesized view and input views. This strategy is able to detect and counteract disparity errors caused by potential artifacts from synthesized view. On the other hand, the DAPSR is used for view synthesis and updating, and is able to weaken the interpolation errors caused by outliers in the disparity maps. Experiments onMiddlebury benchmarks demonstrate that by introducing the synthesized view, disparity errors due to large occluded region and large baseline are eliminated effectively and the synthesis quality is greatly improved.
stereo matching
view synthesis
disparity refinement
Corresponding Author(s):
Yebin LIU
Just Accepted Date: 08 August 2018
Online First Date: 26 February 2019
Issue Date: 19 July 2019
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