An efficient multipath routing schema in multi-homing scenario based on protocol-oblivious forwarding |
Pufang MA1,2, Jiali YOU1,2( ), Jinlin WANG1,2 |
1. National Network New Media Engineering Research Center, Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China |
Abstract With the advent of 5G, multi-homing will be an increasingly common scenario, which is expected to increase transmission rates, improve transmission reliability, and reduce costs for users. However, the current routing methods are unable to fully utilize the resources of networks to achieve high-performance data transmission for multi-homed devices. In the current routing mechanism, there is only one destination address in the packet forwarded to the multihomed host. Thus, the packet is difficult to adjust its path on the fly according to the status of the network to achieve better performance. In this paper, we present an efficient routing schema in multi-homing scenario based on protocoloblivious forwarding (POF). In the proposed schema, the packet forwarded to the multi-homed host carries multiple destination addresses to obtain the ability of switching the transmission path; meanwhile, the router dynamically adjusts the path of the packet through the perception of the networkstatus. Experimental results show that our schema could utilize the alternative paths properly and significantly improve the transmission efficiency.
software-defined networking
protocol-oblivious forwarding
Corresponding Author(s):
Jiali YOU
Just Accepted Date: 28 May 2019
Issue Date: 11 March 2020
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