Tile selection method based on error minimization for photomosaic image creation |
Hongbo ZHANG1,2,3( ), Xin GAO1,4, Jixiang DU1,2,3, Qing LEI1,2,3, Lijie YANG1,2,3 |
1. Department of Computer Science and Technology, Huaqiao University, Xiamen 361021, China 2. Fujian Key Laboratory of Big Data Intelligence and Security, Huaqiao University, Xiamen 361021, China 3. Xiamen Key Laboratory of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Huaqiao University, Xiamen 361021, China 4. School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen 518055, China |
Abstract Photomosaic images are composite images composed of many small images called tiles. In its overall visual effect, a photomosaic image is similar to the target image, and photomosaics are also called “montage art”. Noisy blocks and the loss of local information are the major obstacles in most methods or programs that create photomosaic images. To solve these problems and generate a photomosaic image in this study, we propose a tile selection method based on errorminimization. A photomosaic image can be generated by partitioning the target image in a rectangular pattern, selecting appropriate tile images, and then adding them with a weight coefficient. Based on the principles of montage art, the quality of the generated photomosaic image can be evaluated by both global and local error. Under the proposed framework, via an error function analysis, the results show that selecting a tile image using a global minimum distance minimizes both the global error and the local error simultaneously. Moreover, the weight coefficient of the image superposition can be used to adjust the ratio of the global and local errors. Finally, to verify the proposed method, we built a new photomosaic creation dataset during this study. The experimental results show that the proposed method achieves a lowmean absolute error and that the generated photomosaic images have a more artistic effect than do the existing approaches.
photomosaic image
tile image
target image
error minimization
mean absolute error
Corresponding Author(s):
Hongbo ZHANG
Just Accepted Date: 08 January 2020
Issue Date: 24 December 2020
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