The mass, fake news, and cognition security |
Bin GUO1( ), Yasan DING1, Yueheng SUN2, Shuai MA3, Ke LI1, Zhiwen YU1 |
1. School of Computer Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China 2. School of Cyber Security, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China 3. School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China |
Abstract The widespread fake news in social networks is posing threats to social stability, economic development, and political democracy, etc. Numerous studies have explored the effective detection approaches of online fake news, while few works study the intrinsic propagation and cognition mechanisms of fake news. Since the development of cognitive science paves a promising way for the prevention of fake news, we present a new research area called Cognition Security (CogSec), which studies the potential impacts of fake news on human cognition, ranging from misperception, untrusted knowledge acquisition, targeted opinion/attitude formation, to biased decision making, and investigates the effective ways for fake news debunking. CogSec is a multidisciplinary research field that leverages the knowledge from social science, psychology, cognition science, neuroscience, AI and computer science. We first propose related definitions to characterize CogSec and review the literature history. We further investigate the key research challenges and techniques of CogSec, including humancontent cognition mechanism, social influence and opinion diffusion, fake news detection, and malicious bot detection. Finally, we summarize the open issues and future research directions, such as the cognition mechanism of fake news, influence maximization of fact-checking information, early detection of fake news, fast refutation of fake news, and so on.
cognition security
fake news
crowd computing
human-content interaction
Corresponding Author(s):
Just Accepted Date: 19 January 2020
Issue Date: 19 October 2020
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