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Frontiers of Computer Science

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2018 Impact Factor: 1.129

Front. Comput. Sci.    2022, Vol. 16 Issue (5) : 165325
Exploiting natural language services: a polarity based black-box attack
Fatma GUMUS1,2(), M. Fatih AMASYALI1
1. Department of Computer Engineering, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul 34220, Turkey
2. Department of Computer Engineering, Air Force Academy, National Defence University, Istanbul 34149,Turkey
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Corresponding Author(s): Fatma GUMUS   
Just Accepted Date: 26 March 2021   Issue Date: 24 December 2021
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Fatma GUMUS,M. Fatih AMASYALI. Exploiting natural language services: a polarity based black-box attack[J]. Front. Comput. Sci., 2022, 16(5): 165325.
Fig.1  One iteration example of our perturbation routine for the sentiment task. The candidates Adv1 and Adv2 do not even lower the probability for the target class; therefore, only Adv3 could be chosen. For multiple available options, the sample with the maximum P(?AdvN) would be selected. If there were no appropriate replacements, this iteration would end with no change having been made. Since the θ is not yet reached, the perturbation will continue for at least another iteration. Adv4 would only be generated if the word “worst” was within the range, and the goal would be reached within a single iteration
Fig.2  Up: Polarity Attacks to Sentiment Models. pa: polarity attack with PT of AMAZON test set, pi: polarity attack with PT of IMDB test set, py: polarity attack with PT of YELP test set. Down: Polarity Attacks to Categorization Models. pt: targeted polarity attack, pu: untargetted polarity attack
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