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Frontiers of Computer Science

ISSN 2095-2228

ISSN 2095-2236(Online)

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2018 Impact Factor: 1.129

Front. Comput. Sci.    2023, Vol. 17 Issue (4) : 174104
swSpAMM: optimizing large-scale sparse approximate matrix multiplication on Sunway Taihulight
Xiaoyan LIU1,2, Yi LIU2, Bohong YIN2, Hailong YANG1,2(), Zhongzhi LUAN2, Depei QIAN2
1. State Key Laboratory of Software Development Environment, Beijing 100191, China
2. School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
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Although matrix multiplication plays an essential role in a wide range of applications, previous works only focus on optimizing dense or sparse matrix multiplications. The Sparse Approximate Matrix Multiply (SpAMM) is an algorithm to accelerate the multiplication of decay matrices, the sparsity of which is between dense and sparse matrices. In addition, large-scale decay matrix multiplication is performed in scientific applications to solve cutting-edge problems. To optimize large-scale decay matrix multiplication using SpAMM on supercomputers such as Sunway Taihulight, we present swSpAMM, an optimized SpAMM algorithm by adapting the computation characteristics to the architecture features of Sunway Taihulight.

Specifically, we propose both intra-node and inter-node optimizations to accelerate swSpAMM for large-scale execution. For intra-node optimizations, we explore algorithm parallelization and block-major data layout that are tailored to better utilize the architecture advantage of Sunway processor. For inter-node optimizations, we propose a matrix organization strategy for better distributing sub-matrices across nodes and a dynamic scheduling strategy for improving load balance across nodes. We compare swSpAMM with the existing GEMM library on a single node as well as large-scale matrix multiplication methods on multiple nodes. The experiment results show that swSpAMM achieves a speedup up to 14.5× and 2.2× when compared to xMath library on a single node and 2D GEMM method on multiple nodes, respectively.

Keywords approximate calculation      sunway processor      performance optimization     
Corresponding Author(s): Hailong YANG   
Just Accepted Date: 16 May 2022   Issue Date: 03 November 2022
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Xiaoyan LIU,Yi LIU,Bohong YIN, et al. swSpAMM: optimizing large-scale sparse approximate matrix multiplication on Sunway Taihulight[J]. Front. Comput. Sci., 2023, 17(4): 174104.
Fig.1  The architecture of Sunway processor. Left: The overall architecture. Right: The CPE mesh grid
2D 2.5D 3D COSMA
Required Nodes Less Medium High Less
Communications More Medium Less Depends
Flexibility High Medium Less High
Tab.1  The differences of GEMM frameworks
Fig.2  The imbalance workload in a single node. The matrix multiplication in white means the multiplication can be skipped, and the blue means the actual multiplication (can not be skipped)
Fig.3  We suppose LN=2 and both A in 4×4. The CPE load A from A to perform the atomic task. (a) Store matrix in row-major; (b) store matrix in column-major; (c) store matrix in block-major. The number in the matrix is the address offset from the first element in the array
Fig.4  swSpAMM reorders the loop iteration to eliminate SIMD stride load. The LN=4 and SIMD length is 4 in this example
Fig.5  The two-level distributed data partition strategy of swSpAMM. The At is the first level blocking matrix, and A is the second level blocking matrix, and Ab is the buffer for communicating A. We suppose P = 4 in this figure
Fig.6  We use a heat map to show the number of actual matrix multiplication needed by each fine-grained matrix of C. For example, the A and B are in 32768×32768, and the valid rate is 25%
Fig.7  The master-worker schedule model of swSpAMM
Implementation and valid ratio N = 1024 N = 2048 N = 4096 N = 8192 N = 16384
swSpAMM/100% 0.020844 0.159756 1.242582 9.902074 79.31162
swSpAMM/75% 0.016782 0.120488 0.946127 7.544022 59.53522
swSpAMM/50% 0.011284 0.08381 0.64348 5.069342 40.4408
swSpAMM/25% 0.006586 0.045322 0.337227 2.643518 20.49286
swSpAMM/15% 0.004584 0.030082 0.214267 1.642496 13.00652
swSpAMM/5% 0.002572 0.014621 0.094555 0.688117 5.239222
xMath(GEMM) 0.007699 0.059382 0.491574 3.94961 31.86116
Tab.2  The performance (in seconds) of swSpAMM and xMath for matrices with algebraic decay
Implementation and valid ratio N = 1024 N = 2048 N = 4096 N = 8192 N = 16384
swSpAMM/25% 0.006619 0.045794 0.34208 2.658852 21.00916
swSpAMM/15% 0.004656 0.030391 0.218922 1.678066 13.17432
swSpAMM/5% 0.002609 0.014772 0.096508 0.691492 5.316884
swSpAMM/1% 0.001707 0.008075 0.045087 0.304195 2.196088
xMath(GEMM) 0.007691 0.059359 0.491493 3.949868 31.85852
Tab.3  The performance (in seconds) of swSpAMM and xMath for matrices with exponential decay
Fig.8  The speedup of swSpAMM with algebraic decay
Fig.9  The speedup of swSpAMM with exponential decay
Implementation N = 1024 N = 2048 N = 4096 N = 8192 N = 16384
Basic 0.031865 0.240756 1.89257 15.0027 119.829
Architecture-specific 0.017049 0.125609 0.980016 7.70376 61.7126
Architecture-specific Block-major data layout 0.012372 0.093339 0.722906 5.69697 45.3532
Architecture-specific (opt1)Block-major data layout (opt2)Parallelization exploration (opt3) 0.011284 0.08381 0.64348 5.069342 40.4408
Tab.4  The performance (in seconds) of the implementations in ablation study
Fig.10  The performance result of ablation study. opt1 means SIMD optimization, opt2 means block-major data layout, and opt3 means intra-node load balancing
Nodes N = 8192 N = 16384 N = 32768 N = 65536 N = 131072
4 1.9526 13.452
8 1.4546 8.9092
16 0.9374 5.8864 41.677
32 0.6553 3.5677 22.399
64 0.3568 2.0592 13.032 92.038
128 1.4531 8.1913 51.82
256 0.7818 4.3437 26.848 187.04
512 3.0037 16.937 107.91
Tab.5  The performance (in seconds) of 2D framework
Nodes N = 8192 N = 16384 N = 32768 N = 65536 N = 131072
4 1.9528 13.45
8 0.9466 6.6422
16 0.9454 5.8943 41.753
32 0.4529 2.898 20.762
64 0.2347 1.501 10.612 92.482
128 1.0257 6.4939 46.062
256 0.5126 3.2726 23.166 187.23
512 2.1272 13.311 92.964
Tab.6  The performance (in seconds) of 2.5D framework
Nodes N = 8192 N = 16384 N = 32768 N = 65536 N = 131072
8 0.9451 6.6416 49.961
64 0.2194 1.4348 10.361 77.326
512 0.0493 0.2637 1.6654 11.584 85.988
Tab.7  The performance (in seconds) of 3D framework
Nodes N = 8192 N = 16384 N = 32768 N = 65536 N = 131072
4 1.9879 15.016 119.33
8 1.0204 7.5894 62.057
16 0.5665 3.928 30.612 242.45
32 0.3705 1.8628 15.572 120.78
64 0.2006 1.0659 7.6402 62.472 494.92
128 0.7238 3.9433 29.186 249.29
256 0.377 1.979 14.613 113.13
512 4.6493 7.5753 57.539
Tab.8  The performance (in seconds) of swSpAMM
Fig.11  The performance comparison with matrix size N = 8192
Fig.12  The performance comparison with matrix size N = 16384
Fig.13  The performance comparison with matrix size N = 32768
Fig.14  The performance comparison with matrix size N = 65536
Fig.15  The performance comparison with matrix size N = 131072
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