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Frontiers of Computer Science

ISSN 2095-2228

ISSN 2095-2236(Online)

CN 10-1014/TP

Postal Subscription Code 80-970

2018 Impact Factor: 1.129

Front. Comput. Sci.    2023, Vol. 17 Issue (4) : 174610
D-Cubicle: boosting data transfer dynamically for large-scale analytical queries in single-GPU systems
Jialun WANG, Wenhao PANG, Chuliang WENG(), Aoying ZHOU
School of Data Science and Engineering, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
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In analytical queries, a number of important operators like JOIN and GROUP BY are suitable for parallelization, and GPU is an ideal accelerator considering its power of parallel computing. However, when data size increases to hundreds of gigabytes, one GPU card becomes insufficient due to the small capacity of global memory and the slow data transfer between host and device. A straightforward solution is to equip more GPUs linked with high-bandwidth connectors, but the cost will be highly increased. We utilize unified memory (UM) produced by NVIDIA CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) to make it possible to accelerate large-scale queries on just one GPU, but we notice that the transfer performance between host and UM, which happens before kernel execution, is often significantly slower than the theoretical bandwidth. An important reason is that, in single-GPU environment, data processing systems usually invoke only one or a static number of threads for data copy, leading to an inefficient transfer which slows down the overall performance heavily. In this paper, we present D-Cubicle, a runtime module to accelerate data transfer between host-managed memory and unified memory. D-Cubicle boosts the actual transfer speed dynamically through a self-adaptive approach. In our experiments, taking data transfer into account, D-Cubicle processes 200 GB of data on a single GPU with 32 GB of global memory, achieving 1.43x averagely and 2.09x maximally the performance of the baseline system.

Keywords data analytics      GPU      unified memory     
Corresponding Author(s): Chuliang WENG   
Just Accepted Date: 30 June 2022   Issue Date: 09 December 2022
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Jialun WANG,Wenhao PANG,Chuliang WENG, et al. D-Cubicle: boosting data transfer dynamically for large-scale analytical queries in single-GPU systems[J]. Front. Comput. Sci., 2023, 17(4): 174610.
Fig.1  An overview of the discrete CPU-GPU architecture
Fig.2  Dataflow in a GPU-accelerated analytical system
Fig.3  Unified memory
Fig.4  D-Cubicle overview
Fig.5  Data transfer speeds of different sizes
Fig.6  Example of self-adaptive memory copy
Fig.7  Comparison of transfer times between CUDA and D-Cubicle. (a) Memory copy based on CUDA; (b) memory copy based on D-Cubicle
Fig.8  Performance evaluation of original OmniSciDB with SF20
Fig.9  Time ratio of OmniSciDB dealing with TPC-H queries (SF20)
Fig.10  Performance of OmniSciDB with/without D-Cubicle. (a) SF20; (b) SF100; (c) SF200
Fig.11  Performance of the self-adaptive strategy (SF200)
Fig.12  Comparison of the real-time transfer speeds of large data blocks
Fig.13  Performance evaluation of D-Cubicle in four-GPU environment with different data sizes. (a) SF20; (b) SF100; (c) SF200
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