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Frontiers of Computer Science

ISSN 2095-2228

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2018 Impact Factor: 1.129

Front. Comput. Sci.    2024, Vol. 18 Issue (6) : 186506
IP2vec: an IP node representation model for IP geolocation
Fan ZHANG1,2, Meijuan YIN1,2(), Fenlin LIU1,2, Xiangyang LUO1,2, Shuodi ZU1,2
1. State Key Laboratory of Mathematical Engineering and Advanced Computing, Zhengzhou 450001, China
2. Key Laboratory of Cyberspace Situation Awareness of Henan Province, Zhengzhou 450001, China
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IP geolocation is essential for the territorial analysis of sensitive network entities, location-based services (LBS) and network fraud detection. It has important theoretical significance and application value. Measurement-based IP geolocation is a hot research topic. However, the existing IP geolocation algorithms cannot effectively utilize the distance characteristics of the delay, and the nodes’ connection relation, resulting in high geolocation error. It is challenging to obtain the mapping between delay, nodes’ connection relation, and geographical location. Based on the idea of network representation learning, we propose a representation learning model for IP nodes (IP2vec for short) and apply it to street-level IP geolocation. IP2vec model vectorizes nodes according to the connection relation and delay between nodes so that the IP vectors can reflect the distance and topological proximity between IP nodes. The steps of the street-level IP geolocation algorithm based on IP2vec model are as follows: Firstly, we measure landmarks and target IP to obtain delay and path information to construct the network topology. Secondly, we use the IP2vec model to obtain the IP vectors from the network topology. Thirdly, we train a neural network to fit the mapping relation between vectors and locations of landmarks. Finally, the vector of target IP is fed into the neural network to obtain the geographical location of target IP. The algorithm can accurately infer geographical locations of target IPs based on delay and topological proximity embedded in the IP vectors. The cross-validation experimental results on 10023 target IPs in New York, Beijing, Hong Kong, and Zhengzhou demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can achieve street-level geolocation. Compared with the existing algorithms such as Hop-Hot, IP-geolocater and SLG, the mean geolocation error of the proposed algorithm is reduced by 33%, 39%, and 51%, respectively.

Keywords IP geolocation      network measurement      node embedding     
Corresponding Author(s): Meijuan YIN   
About author:

Peng Lei and Charity Ngina Mwangi contributed equally to this work.

Just Accepted Date: 28 July 2023   Issue Date: 20 October 2023
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Fan ZHANG,Meijuan YIN,Fenlin LIU, et al. IP2vec: an IP node representation model for IP geolocation[J]. Front. Comput. Sci., 2024, 18(6): 186506.
Fig.1  Node2vec random walk strategy
Fig.2  Schematic diagram of the IP2vec model
Notations Descriptions
G Network topology, including nodes and edges
V Nodes in G (including vantage points, landmarks, target and routers)
E The edge between nodes in G
Du,v Minimum delay between u and v
Φ(u) The representation vector of node u
R The Number of nodes in the topology
M The Number of walks per node
A A set of node walking sequences
Bu The number of nodes connected to node u
πu,v The transition probability between nodes u and v
Ht,x The minimum number of hops from node t to node x
W During a walk, the node set generated in the current sequence
Tab.1  List of notations
Fig.3  Cluster-first random walk strategy
Fig.4  Node2vec random walk strategy
Fig.5  Small network topology (Delay in edge is in milliseconds)
Nodes x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x0
x1 0 100 100 120 140 130 110 110 130 150 40
x2 100 0 200 220 240 30 10 10 230 250 140
x3 100 200 0 20 40 230 210 210 30 50 140
x4 120 220 20 0 20 250 230 230 10 30 160
x5 140 240 40 20 0 270 250 250 30 10 180
x6 130 30 230 250 270 0 40 40 260 280 170
x7 110 10 210 230 250 40 0 20 240 260 150
x8 110 10 210 230 250 40 20 0 240 260 150
x9 130 230 30 10 30 260 240 240 0 40 170
x10 150 250 50 30 10 280 260 260 40 0 190
x0 40 140 140 160 180 170 150 150 170 190 0
Tab.2  Minimum delays between nodes
Node sequences
A1: x7 x2 x7 x2 x6 x2 x6 x2 x1 x3
A2: x8 x2 x1 x5 x10 x5 x1 x3 x1 x0
A3: x6 x2 x8 x2 x1 x0 x1 x3 x1 x6
A4: x8 x2 x6 x2 x8 x2 x7 x2 x6 x2
Tab.3  Example of node sequences
Node IP vector
x6 0.766 3.280 ?4.614 ?0.568 ?2.233
x7 ?0.832 3.916 ?2.837 1.185 ?0.511
x8 ?1.431 3.032 ?2.391 0.787 ?1.438
x9 ?0.263 ?1.165 0.338 ?0.266 2.578
x10 ?0.085 ?2.494 1.931 ?0.385 5.829
Tab.4  IP vectors of terminal nodes
IP vector Φ(x6) Φ(x7) Φ(x8) Φ(x9) Φ(x10)
Φ(x6) 1 0.8245 0.8294 ?0.6322 ?0.7324
Φ(x7) 0.8245 1 0.9568 ?0.4757 ?0.5525
Φ(x8) 0.8294 0.9568 1 ?0.6187 ?0.7048
Φ(x9) ?0.6322 ?0.4757 ?0.6187 1 0.9807
Φ(x10) ?0.7324 ?0.5525 ?0.7048 0.9807 1
Tab.5  The cosine similarity between IP vectors
Fig.6  Network topology containing hosts with similar structures (Delay in edge is in milliseconds)
Node IP vector
x3 3.665 ?1.332 2.385 ?2.208 0.048
x4 2.357 ?0.325 1.872 ?2.581 0.296
x6 ?3.072 3.115 ?0.369 ?1.987 3.201
x7 ?5.688 0.914 ?0.490 0.648 4.091
Tab.6  IP vectors of hosts with similar structures
IP vector Φ(x3) Φ(x4) Φ(x6) Φ(x7)
Φ(x3) 1 0.9505 ?0.4000 ?0.6777
Φ(x4) 0.9505 1 ?0.1243 ?0.5316
Φ(x6) ?0.4000 ?0.1243 1 0.7852
Φ(x7) ?0.6777 -0.5316 0.7852 1
Tab.7  The cosine similarity between IP vectors of hosts with similar structures
Fig.7  Relation between vector similarity and delay, hops between nodes
Node representation model Node2vec [20] IP2vec (Only use C) IP2vec (C with delay constraint)
Number of clusters 230 227 183
Mean distance/km 17.18 13.90 10.72
Tab.8  Mean distance of nodes within cluster with different node representation model
Fig.8  Geographical distribution of some landmarks after clustering. (a) Node2vec; (b) IP2vec (Only use C); (c) IP2vec (C with delay constraint)
Notations Descriptions
IPg IP address of landmark node g
Loc(IPg) Location of landmark g
lngg,latg Latitude and longitude of landmark node g
IPT IP address of target node T
da,p,q In the a-th measurement, the delay from vantage point p to node q
χ(q,e) The number of hops between node q and node e
Tab.9  List of notations in IP geolocation algorithm
Fig.9  The framework of the IP geolocation algorithm
Fig.10  Structure diagram of neural network
Fig.11  Geolocation schematic diagram
Fig.12  Network topology with different delay and distance conversion relations
Number of landmarks New York 2038
Beijing 2964
Hong Kong 2043
Zhengzhou 2978
Total 10023
Vantage points deployment China: Four vantage points are deployed in Beijing, Chengdu, Shanghai and Wuhan
America: Five vantage points are deployed in Washington, Silicon Valley, New York, Atlanta and Seattle
Number of measurements 8900 times
Algorithms for comparison SLG algorithm [3], IP-geolocater algorithm [17], Hop-Hot algorithm [19]
Probe protocol ICMP-PARIS [26]
Tab.10  Experimental settings
ω Geolocation median error/km
Beijing Zhengzhou Hong Kong New York
0 9.33 2.82 8.78 8.19
0.1 6.54 2.52 3.82 7.49
0.2 6.43 2.46 3.49 6.74
0.3 6.46 2.44 5.13 6.55
0.4 6.89 3.06 4.45 7.05
0.5 6.63 3.20 5.56 8.24
0.6 7.74 4.84 5.96 8.52
0.7 8.57 5.44 9.01 8.63
0.8 10.14 5.28 8.69 8.30
0.9 11.86 7.30 9.07 8.81
1.0 13.01 7.99 9.20 9.23
Tab.11  Median geolocation error of different cities and different geolocation parameter ω
Fig.13  Cumulative distribution of geolocation error. (a) Hong Kong; (b) Beijing; (c) New York; (d) Zhengzhou
ω Mean geolocation error/km
Beijing Zhengzhou Hong Kong New York
0 10.79 3.39 9.32 9.35
0.1 8.09 3.05 5.77 8.46
0.2 7.68 3.16 5.25 8.65
0.3 8.17 3.10 6.49 7.50
0.4 8.16 3.81 5.95 8.38
0.5 8.09 3.87 6.52 9.69
0.6 9.37 5.26 7.47 9.65
0.7 9.95 5.89 10.14 10.38
0.8 10.79 5.74 9.29 9.88
0.9 12.39 7.70 10.38 10.87
1.0 13.89 8.20 10.69 10.64
Tab.12  Mean geolocation error of different cities and different geolocation parameter ω
Fig.14  Median and mean geolocation error distribution under different parameter ω. (a) Hong Kong; (b) Beijing; (c) New York; (d) Zhengzhou
City Number of vantage points Number of router nodes in the topology Geolocation error/km
Median error Max error
Beijing 3 235 9.82 52.12
6 317 9.11 51.53
9 460 6.46 46.44
Zhengzhou 3 221 7.87 18.90
6 334 4.65 18.94
9 463 2.44 17.13
Hong Kong 3 230 7.03 44.08
6 329 6.38 44.64
9 473 5.13 39.40
New York 3 215 7.81 59.81
6 313 7.74 48.29
9 462 6.55 26.30
Tab.13  Comparison of geolocation performance with different numbers of vantage points
City Mean geolocation error/km
Number of landmarks with similar vectors < 5 5 < Number of landmarks with similar vectors < 10 Number of landmarks with similar vectors > 10
Beijing 9.88 7.48 5.83
Zhengzhou 6.38 3.69 2.55
Hong Kong 10.62 6.14 4.41
New York 11.95 10.34 6.97
Tab.14  Influence of the number of landmarks on geolocation error. Only those landmarks with similarity to the target IP vector greater than 0.9 is included
Fig.15  Comparison of the cumulative distribution of geolocation errors between multi-city mixed training and single-city training
Fig.16  Comparison of the cumulative distribution of geolocation errors. (a) Hong Kong; (b) Beijing; (c) New York; (d) Zhengzhou
City Geolocation algorithm Geolocation error/km
Median Mean Max
Beijing Proposed algorithm 6.43 7.68 55.23
SLG algorithm [3] 13.85 16.64 59.81
IP-geolocater algorithm [17] 9.86 13.29 55.48
Hop-Hot algorithm [19] 10.70 12.81 58.47
New York Proposed algorithm 6.55 7.50 26.30
SLG algorithm [3] 11.42 12.21 42.24
IP-geolocater algorithm [17] 8.55 9.85 40.21
Hop-Hot algorithm [19] 6.60 7.91 33.83
Hong Kong Proposed algorithm 3.49 5.25 38.99
SLG algorithm [3] 8.52 10.51 40.97
IP-geolocater algorithm [17] 7.43 8.54 39.38
Hop-Hot algorithm [19] 7.57 8.81 39.20
Zhengzhou Proposed algorithm 2.44 3.10 17.13
SLG algorithm [3] 6.76 7.38 20.04
IP-geolocater algorithm [17] 6.19 6.50 18.69
Hop-Hot algorithm [19] 3.75 4.73 20.26
Tab.15  Comparison of geolocation errors
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[1] FCS-22616-OF-FZ_suppl_1 Download
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