Virtual node based adaptive routing in wireless
ad hoc networks |
Gang LI1,Hongmei SUN2, |
1.Key Lab of Network
Science and Technology, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese
cademy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China; 2.Communications Technology
Lab, Intel China Research Center, Beijing 100080, China; |
Abstract It is a challenge to make the routes quickly adapt to the changed network topology when nodes fail in a wireless ad hoc network. In this paper, we propose an adaptive routing protocol, which groups the network nodes into virtual nodes according to their data transfer capabilities and creates virtual-node-based routes. The protocol can accommodate the routes to node failures by adaptively pdating the virtual nodes and just-in-time using available nodes during data transmission. The simulations indicate that the proposed protocol can keep the routes failed-node-freewhen the available virtual node members cover the failed nodes scattering area.
wireless ad hoc networks
mobile ad hoc networks
route protocols
route repair
Issue Date: 05 December 2009
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doi: 10.1023/A:1020327309720
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