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Frontiers of Economics in China

ISSN 1673-3444

ISSN 1673-3568(Online)

CN 11-5744/F

Postal Subscription Code 80-978

Front. Econ. China    2023, Vol. 18 Issue (3) : 324-335
Research Article
Demand-Side Reform: A New Mission to Promote the Dual Circulation Development Pattern
LIU Zhibiao
Business School, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
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Beginning with increasing effective demand, the demand-side reform advocates for the strategy to expand domestic demand, rectifies distortions in the demand structure, and further aligns demand and supply by reforming the mechanisms for demand formation and regulation, matching supply and demand structures, and easing restrictions on demand. This will enhance economic growth potential and operational efficiency. The demand-side reform contributes to developing a super-large-scale market and optimize market functions to form a unified national market. It also helps address significant structural distortions within domestic circulation and move faster to form a new development pattern of dual circulation. As demand-side reform inevitably deals with the vested interests of stakeholders, it presents challenges on par with supply-side structural reform. Therefore, due attention must be given in terms of priority and weight by increasing operational and property household income, transforming government functions, rectifying any excessive market-oriented reforms in certain public service sectors, among others.

Keywords demand-side reform, dual circulation development pattern, unified market building, income distribution, market-oriented reform of factors     
Issue Date: 01 December 2023
 Cite this article:   
LIU Zhibiao. Demand-Side Reform: A New Mission to Promote the Dual Circulation Development Pattern[J]. Front. Econ. China, 2023, 18(3): 324-335.
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