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Frontiers of Education in China

ISSN 1673-341X

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Front Educ Chin    2009, Vol. 4 Issue (2) : 252-267
Gender justice and school education
GAO Desheng()
Research Institute of Moral Education, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097, China
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Gender justice includes three basic dimensions: gender equality, respect for difference, and free choice. In reality, schools construct and reproduce the gender injustice of the social culture through multiple dimensions that include the visible and the invisible curriculum, and the teacher’s behaviour. In terms of gender justice, the social culture and the school culture are like two separate “circulations”, but these two circulations are of the same inner structure. However, in pursuing the value of gender justice, we need to start from both of these two “circulations” at the same time. As a self-conscious cultural institution, the school should recognize its own small circulation, and then pursue the realization of gender justice by all possible means. Moreover, the more important contribution of the school is to help drive the larger transformation of gender justice in the social culture.

Keywords school education      gender justice     
Corresponding Author(s): GAO Desheng,   
Issue Date: 05 June 2009
 Cite this article:   
GAO Desheng. Gender justice and school education[J]. Front Educ Chin, 2009, 4(2): 252-267.
[1] Shijing XU, F. Michael CONNELLY. Reciprocal Learning between Canada and China in Teacher Education and School Education: Partnership Studies of Practice in Cultural Context[J]. Front. Educ. China, 2017, 12(2): 135-150.
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