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Frontiers of Engineering Management

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Front. Eng    2020, Vol. 7 Issue (2) : 238-247
New technology foresight method based on intelligent knowledge management
Lingling ZHANG1(), Siting HUANG2
1. School of Economics and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China; Research Center on Fictitious Economy & Data Science, Key Laboratory of Big Data Mining and Knowledge Management, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
2. School of Economics and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
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The increasing importance of technology foresight has simultaneously raised the significance of methods that determine crucial areas and technologies. However, qualitative and quantitative methods have shortcomings. The former involve high costs and many limitations, while the latter lack expert experience. Intelligent knowledge management emphasizes human–machine integration, which combines the advantages of expert experience and data mining. Thus, we proposed a new technology foresight method based on intelligent knowledge management. This method constructs a technological online platform to increase the number of participating experts. A secondary mining is performed on the results of patent analysis and bibliometrics. Thus, forward-looking, innovative, and disruptive areas and relevant experts must be discovered through the following comprehensive process: Topic acquisition → topic delivery → topic monitoring → topic guidance → topic reclamation → topic sorting → topic evolution → topic conforming → expert recommendation.

Keywords technology foresight      intelligent knowledge management      technological online platform     
Corresponding Author(s): Lingling ZHANG   
Just Accepted Date: 17 December 2019   Online First Date: 02 January 2020    Issue Date: 27 May 2020
 Cite this article:   
Lingling ZHANG,Siting HUANG. New technology foresight method based on intelligent knowledge management[J]. Front. Eng, 2020, 7(2): 238-247.
Fig.1  Transformation process: Data → Rough Knowledge → Intelligent Knowledge → New Knowledge (D: data; i: individual; g: group; K: knowledge).
Fig.2  Technology foresight frame based on intelligent knowledge management.
Fig.3  Relationship among technological online platform, transformation process, and moderators.
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