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Frontiers of Engineering Management

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Front. Eng    2023, Vol. 10 Issue (4) : 566-581
Urban Management: Developing Sustainable, Resilient, and Equitable Cities Co-edited by Wei-Qiang CHEN, Hua CAI, Benjamin GOLDSTEIN, Oliver HEIDRICH and Yu LIU
The development of roadside green swales in the Chinese Sponge City Program: Challenges and opportunities
Lingwen LU1, Faith Ka Shun CHAN2(), Matthew JOHNSON3, Fangfang ZHU4, Yaoyang XU5()
1. Key Laboratory of Urban Environment and Health, Ningbo Observation and Research Station, Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Xiamen 361021, China; School of Geographical Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, Ningbo 315100, China; Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Urban Environmental Processes and Pollution Control, CAS Haixi Industrial Technology Innovation Center in Beilun, Ningbo 315830, China
2. School of Geographical Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, Ningbo 315100, China; Water@Leeds Research Institute, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK
3. School of Geography, University of Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 2RD, UK
4. Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, Ningbo 315100, China
5. Key Laboratory of Urban Environment and Health, Ningbo Observation and Research Station, Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Xiamen 361021, China; Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Urban Environmental Processes and Pollution Control, CAS Haixi Industrial Technology Innovation Center in Beilun, Ningbo 315830, China
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Roadside green swales have emerged as popular stormwater management infrastructure in urban areas, serving to mitigate stormwater pollution and reduce urban surface water discharge. However, there is a limited understanding of the various types, structures, and functions of swales, as well as the potential challenges they may face in the future. In recent years, China has witnessed a surge in the adoption of roadside green swales, especially as part of the prestigious Sponge City Program (SCP). These green swales play a crucial role in controlling stormwater pollution and conserving urban water resources by effectively removing runoff pollutants, including suspended solids, nitrogen, and phosphorus. This review critically examines recent research findings, identifies key knowledge gaps, and presents future recommendations for designing green swales for effective stormwater management, with a particular emphasis on ongoing major Chinese infrastructure projects. Despite the growing global interest in bioswales and their significance in urban development, China’s current classification of such features lacks a clear definition or specific consideration of bioswales. Furthermore, policymakers have often underestimated the adverse environmental effects of road networks, as reflected in existing laws and planning documents. This review argues that the construction and maintenance of roadside green swales should be primarily based on three critical factors: Well-thought-out road planning, suitable construction conditions, and sustainable long-term funding. The integration of quantitative environmental standards into road planning is essential to effectively address the challenge of pollution from rainfall runoff. To combat pollution associated with roads, a comprehensive assessment of potential pollution loadings should be carried out, guiding the appropriate design and construction of green swales, with a particular focus on addressing the phenomenon of first flush. One of the major challenges faced in sustaining funds for ongoing maintenance after swale construction. To address this issue, the implementation of a green finance platform is proposed. Such a platform would help ensure the availability of funds for continuous maintenance, thus maximizing the long-term effectiveness of green swales in stormwater management. Ultimately, the findings of this review aim to assist municipal governments in enhancing and implementing future urban road designs and SCP developments, incorporating effective green swale strategies.

Keywords grass swale      infiltration swale      bioswale      wet swale      sponge city     
Corresponding Author(s): Faith Ka Shun CHAN,Yaoyang XU   
Just Accepted Date: 22 September 2023   Online First Date: 23 October 2023    Issue Date: 07 December 2023
 Cite this article:   
Lingwen LU,Faith Ka Shun CHAN,Matthew JOHNSON, et al. The development of roadside green swales in the Chinese Sponge City Program: Challenges and opportunities[J]. Front. Eng, 2023, 10(4): 566-581.
Fig.1  The most relevant corresponding author’s countries with swale research based on Clarivate’s Web of Science Core Collection.
Fig.2  The trend topics with swale research based on Clarivate’s Web of Science Core Collection (among these terms, “SUDS” represents “sustainable urban drainage systems” and “LOIS” stands for “land ocean interaction study”).
Swale type Distinguishing features Pollutant removal mechanisms Examples of Chinese cities
Grass swale Established, dense turf with grass Filtration, sedimentation (modest); Infiltration, chemical precipitation, microbial degradation, and vegetation uptake Xicheng District in Beijing (Yuan et al., 2019)
Infiltration swale Like a grass swale but with the addition of check dams to temporarily hold water All processes of grass swale plus enhanced infiltration and sedimentation Ningbo (Tang et al., 2021)
Bioswale Permeable soil mix or high flow engineered media; Underdrains may be present; Forebay or plunge pool is typical Enhanced infiltration by underdrains and permeable soil mix or media; Enhanced chemical and biological transformations by the engineered media and internal water storage zone Fengxi New City, Xi’an (Jiang et al., 2020)
Wet swale Emergent wetland vegetation; Microtopographic pools and shallow areas; Seasonal high-water table; Wetland soils Enhanced gross filtration, sedimentation, and chemical/biological transformations; Evapotranspiration and volatilization Luzhou Road, Hefei (Tang et al., 2016)
Tab.1  Standard terminology of green swales for work in China (modified from Ekka and Hunt (2020))
Fig.3  Four types of green swales were constructed in different areas, including (a) grass swales, (b) infiltration swales, (c) bioswales, and (d) wet swales.
Fig.4  Key components and treatment processes of green swales include grass swales, infiltration swales, bioswales, and wet swales.
Location Type of plants Runoff type/function Citations
Normandy, France (Grass swale) Soft rush (Juncus effusus), reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea), and yellow flag (Iris pseudacorus), a mix of grass seeds (Case 1)Macrophytes (P. arundinaceae, J. effusus and I. pseudacorus) or grassed (Case 2) Road, only 0.07% to 0.22% of total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were released in water outflow after one year (Case 1)Mephytoextraction in plant roots was more efficient in mesocosms planted with P. arundinacea and grass (Case 2) Leroy et al. (2015; 2017)
Hoppegarten, Germany (Bioswale) Dandelion, plantain, clover, and orache; swale is covered with a rather uniform grass lawn (Site 1)Vegetation consists of a wide variety of bushes and small trees; a few long grasses and rush in between (Site 2)Dock (Rumex) with large, deep taproots (Site 3) Road, parking area and roof (Site1)Approach road and sidewalk (Site 2)Road, residential area (Site 3)Returning infiltration rates in the range of 10−7 to 10−5 m/s, organic matter contents ranging from a few to almost 7% Ingvertsen et al. (2012)
Dortmund & Berlin, Germany (Bioswale) The vegetation consisted of grass and mosses as well as smaller weed plants (Dortmund)Densely covered with vigorous grasses, a few mosses, and small weed plants (Berlin) Roof, parking area and sidewalk (Dortmund)Road and sidewalk (Berlin)Returning infiltration rates in the range of 10−7 to 10−5 m/s, organic matter contents ranging from a few to almost 7% Ingvertsen et al. (2012)
California, USA (Bioswale) London Planetree (Platanus x acerifolia“Bloodgood”) Parking area, the bioswale reduced runoff by 88.8% and total pollutant loading by 95.4% Xiao and McPherson (2011)
Xi’an, China (Bioswale) Ligustrum lucidum and Ophiopogon japonicus For urban runoff, the water reduction rate grew linearly with increasing plant factor and artificial filler infiltration rate Li et al. (2016)
Hefei, China (Bioswale) Scirpus validus and Typha latifolia linn Roadway runoff, reduced the total runoff volume by 50.4%; pollutant loads were also substantially reduced from 70% to 85% Tang et al. (2016)
New York, USA (Bioswale) Five native plant species: Aronia melanocarpa, Eupatorium dubium, Nepeta&faassenii, Panicum virgatum, and Spiraea nipponica High variation in transpiration rates across species, and Nepeta&faassenii was the highest conductor, while Panicum virgatum was the lowest conductor Brodsky et al. (2019)
Tab.2  Characteristics of different plant types and functions in green swales
Type of green swales Side slopes/Flow depth (cm) TSS removal efficiency (%)
Triangular swale 4:1/13.8 33
5:1/12.6 35
6:1/11.8 36
Trapezoidal swale 3:1/5.2 47
4:1/5.2 47
5:1/5.1 47
6:1/5.1 47
Tab.3  Comparison of swale performance for a 2% longitudinal slope, 7.6 m length (swale), and an 1000 m2 catchment (sourced from Winston et al. (2017))
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