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Frontiers of Engineering Management

ISSN 2095-7513

ISSN 2096-0255(Online)

CN 10-1205/N

Postal Subscription Code 80-905

Front. Eng    2015, Vol. 2 Issue (3) : 277-286
Engineering Management Theories and Methodologies
The Supply Chain Contract Design under Cap-and-Trade Mechanism with Free Riding
Fu-qiang Wang(),Jun Liu
Collaborative Innovation Center of Resource-conserving & Environment-friendly Society and Ecological Civilization, School of Business, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
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This paper studies the influence of free riding on enterprise product pricing and carbon emissions reduction investment, as well as the contract design to achieve supply chain coordination under the carbon trading mechanism. First, we discuss the situation where carbon emissions reduction investment affects the product price and income. It demonstrates that the optimal investment of the upstream manufacturer increases with the degree of the free riding of the downstream manufacturer. The upstream manufacturer can improve their carbon reduction investment and the whole supply chain achieves Pareto improvement when the investment cost sharing contract is introduced. Nevertheless, under the cost-sharing contract the optimal investment of the decentralized supply chain is still lower than that of the centralized supply chain, and only in some particular cases can the two types of supply chain achieve equal total profits. Then, we preliminarily explore the situation where the product price and income is influenced by carbon emissions reduction investment. The consequences indicate that the optimal investment of the upstream manufacturers in this situation is less than the former one’s, and the transfer payment mechanism is able to improve the level of the supply chain overall carbon emissions-reduction. Moreover, compared to the former situation, the effects of free riding of the downstream manufacturer are even more serious. The conclusions can provide some intellectual support for manufacturing enterprises to make reasonable emissions reduction strategies and coordinate the supply chain existing in free riding.

Keywords carbon emissions reduction      free riding      supply chain contract design      cap-and-trade     
Corresponding Author(s): Fu-qiang Wang   
Online First Date: 01 March 2016    Issue Date: 21 March 2016
 Cite this article:   
Fu-qiang Wang,Jun Liu. The Supply Chain Contract Design under Cap-and-Trade Mechanism with Free Riding[J]. Front. Eng, 2015, 2(3): 277-286.
Variables Meanings
E M i Fixed carbon emissions of the manufacturer Mi, which has nothing to do with the product yield, i = 1, 2
Q Market demand
N Capacity of the market
b Demand price sensitive coefficient
c M i The cost of production per unit product for the manufacturer Mi, i = 1, 2
h M i The initial carbon emissions of production per unit product for the manufacturer Mi when they do not invest to reduce emissions, i = 1, 2
h M i The carbon emissions of production per unit product for the manufacturer Mi, when they invest to reduce emissions, i = 1, 2
pc The unit price of carbon dioxide
ω The wholesale price
p The retail price
π M i The profit of the manufacturer Mi, i = 1, 2
I Investment to reduce emissions of the manufacturer Mi, i = 1, 2
π C The joint profit of the two manufacturers under centralized decision making
Z M i Carbon quota that the government allocates to the manufacturer Mi, i = 1, 2
m The sensitive coefficient of emissions reduction rate of carbon emissions reduction investment of the manufacturer M1
n The sensitive coefficient of emissions reduction rate of carbon emissions reduction investment of the manufacturer M2
Tab.1  The Related Variables and Their Meanings
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