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Frontiers of Engineering Management

ISSN 2095-7513

ISSN 2096-0255(Online)

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Front. Eng    2018, Vol. 5 Issue (4) : 487-498
Minimization of total energy consumption in an m-machine flow shop with an exponential time-dependent learning effect
Lingxuan LIU1, Zhongshun SHI2, Leyuan SHI3()
1. Department of Industrial Engineering & Management, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
2. Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI, USA
3. Department of Industrial Engineering & Management, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI, USA
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This study investigates an energy-aware flow shop scheduling problem with a time-dependent learning effect. The relationship between the traditional and the proposed scheduling problem is shown and objective is to determine a job sequence in which the total energy consumption is minimized. To provide an efficient solution framework, composite lower bounds are proposed to be used in a solution approach with the name of Bounds-based Nested Partition (BBNP). A worst-case analysis on shortest process time heuristic is conducted for theoretical measurement. Computational experiments are performed on randomly generated test instances to evaluate the proposed algorithms. Results show that BBNP has better performance than conventional heuristics and provides considerable computational advantage.

Keywords flow shop      energy-aware scheduling      learning effect      nested partition      worst-case error bound     
Corresponding Author(s): Leyuan SHI   
Just Accepted Date: 28 August 2018   Online First Date: 08 November 2018    Issue Date: 29 November 2018
 Cite this article:   
Lingxuan LIU,Zhongshun SHI,Leyuan SHI. Minimization of total energy consumption in an m-machine flow shop with an exponential time-dependent learning effect[J]. Front. Eng, 2018, 5(4): 487-498.
Fig.1  BBP procedure
Fig.2  BBS procedure
mean max mean max mean max mean max
9 0.7 13.8 40 2.25 9.15 0.1 1.73 0 0
9 0.8 13.2 30.3 3.13 17.6 0.076 0.626 0 0
9 0.9 13.6 34.6 2.81 13.2 0.058 0.777 0 0.01
10 0.7 15.8 34.9 2.19 10 0.16 2.74 0 0.01
10 0.8 16.9 38.8 2.49 16.9 0.099 1.62 0 0.015
10 0.9 16.6 37 1.63 8.35 0.141 1.57 0 0
11 0.7 15.8 34.4 3.82 11.4 0.104 1.15 0.067 1.246
11 0.8 13.7 30.2 2.38 9.24 0.281 2.36 0 0.015
11 0.9 14.8 31.9 1.68 6.43 0.403 3.67 0.133 1.617
12 0.7 15.6 34.2 1.84 6.33 0.153 2.23 0.011 0.124
12 0.8 16.9 39.2 1.81 5.41 0.347 3.12 0.084 1.016
12 0.9 15.6 31.9 2.21 8.28 0.356 3.87 0.104 1.246
13 0.7 17.7 35.4 2.38 13.7 0.385 4.15 0.184 2.039
13 0.8 16.6 31.5 2.41 7.08 0.359 2.18 0.101 0.998
13 0.9 16.8 29.3 2.69 8.52 0.254 2.97 0.125 1.028
14 0.7 11.9 24.5 1.84 7.47 0.105 1.23 0.092 0.926
14 0.8 13.4 21.7 2.28 8.6 0.296 2.27 0.104 1.638
14 0.9 13.3 21.5 2.29 8.12 0.187 2.16 0.067 0.102
Tab.1  Error gap (%) of BBNP and heuristic algorithms for m=3
mean max mean max mean max mean max
9 0.7 14.8 40.8 2.5 10.5 0.49 3.32 0.308 3.31
9 0.8 13.8 27.5 4.26 12.1 0.762 4.62 0.314 2.05
9 0.9 15.3 36.2 3.45 12.1 0.773 2.94 0.284 2.12
10 0.7 17.4 29.5 3.5 16.4 0.75 3.07 0.454 3.31
10 0.8 17.6 34.4 3.19 11.1 0.976 5.28 0.402 3.2
10 0.9 16.6 28.3 3.18 11.5 0.447 3.44 0.333 2.98
11 0.7 18 38.3 4.11 19 0.733 3.06 0.438 2.39
11 0.8 16.8 31.7 2.48 9.07 0.964 4.51 0.698 4.9
11 0.9 17.9 42.2 2.77 8.06 0.648 3.31 0.276 1.39
12 0.7 18.9 29 3.28 10.9 1.26 5.48 1.1 5.31
12 0.8 20.1 38.8 5.39 12.3 1.03 6.01 0.585 2.79
12 0.9 15.8 32.4 3.57 11.5 0.558 2.35 0.322 1.86
13 0.7 19.7 42.9 3.46 14.1 1.15 3.7 0.542 2.63
13 0.8 18.9 38.8 2.83 8.68 0.172 1.78 0.132 1.51
13 0.9 16.5 34.6 2.15 9.69 0.576 4.15 0.299 2.07
14 0.7 18.9 30.6 2.9 9 0.866 4.62 0.774 3.7
14 0.8 19.6 38.2 4.21 9.38 1.33 8.43 0.99 4.34
14 0.9 16.7 30.9 2.9 12.8 0.559 2.68 0.392 2.4
Tab.2  Error gap (%) of BBNP and heuristic algorithms for m=5
n a Frequency of maximum
LB (1) LB (2) LB (3)
9 0.7 0.36 0.37 0.27
9 0.8 0.39 0.33 0.28
9 0.9 0.33 0.34 0.33
10 0.7 0.34 0.31 0.35
10 0.8 0.29 0.35 0.36
10 0.9 0.35 0.31 0.34
11 0.7 0.25 0.41 0.34
11 0.8 0.42 0.35 0.23
11 0.9 0.31 0.33 0.36
12 0.7 0.27 0.35 0.38
12 0.8 0.33 0.25 0.42
12 0.9 0.4 0.36 0.24
13 0.7 0.35 0.27 0.38
13 0.8 0.32 0.36 0.32
13 0.9 0.35 0.35 0.3
14 0.7 0.41 0.3 0.29
14 0.8 0.31 0.35 0.34
14 0.9 0.21 0.42 0.37
Tab.3  Results of domination of different LB calculations for partial schedule (m =3)
n a E(SP T)E(AR B) E(NE H)E(AR B) E(FL )E(ARB ) E(BB NP) E(A RB)
mean max mean max mean max mean max
20 0.7 0.8211 0.9519 0.782 0.9242 0.724 0.8728 0.7148 0.8501
20 0.8 0.804 0.9259 0.7657 0.8989 0.7018 0.8396 0.688 0.8016
20 0.9 0.8107 0.9358 0.7721 0.9086 0.7028 0.8456 0.6916 0.8334
40 0.7 0.8214 0.9406 0.7823 0.9132 0.7027 0.8432 0.677 0.7954
40 0.8 0.7869 0.9366 0.7494 0.9093 0.726 0.8655 0.6751 0.8153
40 0.9 0.7973 0.9239 0.7594 0.897 0.6903 0.8432 0.6815 0.8358
60 0.7 0.8144 0.9409 0.7756 0.9135 0.7027 0.8524 0.6885 0.8251
60 0.8 0.8096 0.9456 0.771 0.9181 0.7022 0.8531 0.6751 0.8165
60 0.9 0.8073 0.9125 0.7689 0.886 0.6901 0.8216 0.6745 0.7703
80 0.7 0.8175 0.9591 0.7785 0.9312 0.7137 0.8722 0.6568 0.7869
80 0.8 0.799 0.9326 0.761 0.9054 0.6788 0.8164 0.6575 0.8317
80 0.9 0.7825 0.9007 0.7453 0.8745 0.6728 0.8359 0.6527 0.8047
100 0.7 0.7159 0.8807 0.6818 0.8551 0.6794 0.8571 0.6216 0.8094
100 0.8 0.7827 0.8968 0.7455 0.8707 0.6673 0.8058 0.6464 0.7764
100 0.9 0.7399 0.8936 0.7047 0.8675 0.6159 0.8282 0.6015 0.7978
Tab.4  Computational results of the heuristics for large-size instances (m =5)
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