Frontiers of Engineering Management

ISSN 2095-7513

ISSN 2096-0255(Online)

CN 10-1205/N

Postal Subscription Code 80-905

   Online First

Administered by

Editorial Bulletin


 Call for Papers
Special Issue on Sustainability
To be published in
Frontiers of Engineering Management


     Improving or even assuring the quality of our future societies will depend largely on the knowledge generated to address challenges of sustainable development. Therefore, the American Society of Engineering Management (ASEM) and the Department of Engineering Management of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) are collaborating on the creation of a special issue on Sustainability that will be published in Frontiers of Engineering Management (FEM).

    Frontiers of Engineering Management is a research journal sponsored and supervised by the Chinese Academy of Engineering, administered jointly by Tsinghua University and Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and published by Higher Education Press, China. The journal is international in its scope and mission. It is published quarterly in English in both print and online versions. Frontiers of Engineering Management provides a high-quality international platform for academic researchers, industry professionals and other constituent communities in the broad field of engineering management to impart and share the latest research results and knowledge in the form of research articles, reviews and special reports

    The problems related to sustainable development are complex. There is a need to consider multidisciplinary issues of three categories: economic, ecological (environmental), and social sustainability. The challenges of sustainable development may include identifying critical metrics, justifying the collected data, balancing the metrics in these three categories, and defining policies for international societies. The approach to these questions may need the clarification of accountability, the improvement of predictability and balanceability, and the articulation of policy-making in support of the development of sustainable systems. Therefore, this special issue welcomes papers which include, but are not limited to, problem-solving of practical cases, exploration of innovative algorithms, and development of new ways of approaching these complex and dynamic issues.

       Tentative Topic Areas  


● Economic Sustainability

● Ecological Sustainability

● Social Sustainability

● Balance of Triple Bottom Line

● Zero waste

● Energy Systems

● Sustainability Metrics

● Sustainable Infrastructure 

● Global Challenges in Sustainability 

● Corporate Social Responsibility

● Quality of Life

● Managing Sustainability for Large Scale Projects


Paper Submission
All papers have to go through a double blind review process before final acceptance.


15 Oct,        2017 Paper Submission Deadline

15 Dec,        2017 Paper Acceptance Notification

15 Feb,         2018 Final paper submissions

1 August,      2018 Publication of Special Issue



American Society for Engineering Management Website:

Chinese Academy of Engineering Website:         


Steve Wang, Ph.D., California Baptist University

Jing Shi, Ph.D., University of Cincinnati