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Frontiers of Earth Science

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2018 Impact Factor: 1.205

Front. Earth Sci.    2021, Vol. 15 Issue (2) : 256-271
Coalbed methane enrichment model of low-rank coals in multi-coals superimposed regions: a case study in the middle section of southern Junggar Basin
Haihai HOU1,2(), Guodong LIANG1, Longyi SHAO2(), Yue TANG3, Guangyuan MU2
1. College of Mining, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin 123000, China
2. College of Geoscience and Surveying Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing 100083, China
3. Oil & Gas Resource Survey Center, China Geological Survey, Ministry of Land and Resource, Beijing 100029, China
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The Middle Jurassic Xishanyao Formation in the central section of the southern Junggar Basin has substantial amounts of low-ranked coalbed methane (CBM) recourses and is typically characterized by multi superimposed coal seams. To establish the CBM enrichment model, a series of experimental and testing methods were adopted, including coal maceral observation, pro-ximate analysis, low temperature nitrogen adsorption (LTNA), methane carbon isotope determination, porosity/permeability simulation caused by overburden, and gas content testing. The controlling effect of sedimentary environment, geological tectonic, and hydrogeological condition on gas content was analyzed in detail. The results demonstrate that the areas with higher gas content (an average of 8.57 m3/t) are mainly located in the Urumqi River-Santun River (eastern study area), whereas gas content (an average of 3.92 m3/t) in the Manasi River-Taxi River (western study area) is relatively low. Because of the combined effects of strata temperature and pressure, the gas content in coal seam first increases and then decreases with increasing buried depth, and the critical depth of the inflection point ranges from 600 m to 850 m. Affected by the changes in topography and water head height, the direction of groundwater migration is predicted from south to north and from west to east. Based on the gas content variation, the lower and middle parts of the Xishanyao Formation can be divided into three independent coal-bearing gas systems. Within a single gas-bearing system, there is a positive correlation between gas content and strata pressure, and the key mudstone layers separating each gas-bearing system are usually developed at the end of each highstand system tract. The new CBM accumulation model of the multi-coals mixed genetic gas shows that both biological and thermal origins are found in a buried depth interval between 600 m and 850 m, suggesting that the coals with those depths are the CBM enrichment horizons and favorable exploration regions in the middle section of the southern Junggar Basin. An in-depth discussion of the low-rank CBM enrichment model with multi-coal seams in the study region can provide a basis for the optimization of CBM well locations and favorable exploration horizons.

Keywords Xishanyao Formation      multi-coal seams superimposed region      low rank coal      main controlling factors      enrichment model     
Corresponding Author(s): Haihai HOU,Longyi SHAO   
Online First Date: 13 August 2021    Issue Date: 26 October 2021
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Haihai HOU,Guodong LIANG,Longyi SHAO, et al. Coalbed methane enrichment model of low-rank coals in multi-coals superimposed regions: a case study in the middle section of southern Junggar Basin[J]. Front. Earth Sci., 2021, 15(2): 256-271.
Fig.1  (a) Geotectonic sketch map of the Junggar Basin. (b) Structural characteristics of the study area showing the locations of CBM wells, coal mines, coal samples and horizontal maximum stress directions.
Fig.2  The coal-bearing strata of the Middle Jurassic Xishanyao Formation showing lithology, depositional environment, sequence stratum, core pictures and main aquifers in Well ZK101 close to Hutubi River.
Fig.3  Gas content variation of the Xishanyao coals in the middle part of southern Junggar Basin.
Well Coal seam Burial depth/m Reservoir pressure/MPa Pressure gradient/ (kPa·m–1) Permeability/mD Gas content/ (m3·t–1) Roof lithology Floor lithology
WXC-1 B7 396.14 2.85 7.8 7.28 11.33 Silty mudstone Mudstone
B6 613.7 5.15 8.65 0.13 17.06 Muddy siltstone Mudstone
WXC-2 B8 546.95 3.96 7.55 0.16 4.53 Muddy siltstone Silty mudstone
B7 589.15 5.76 10 14.49 4.93 Medium sandstone Siltstone
B5 714.45 4.93 7.04 9.92 5.0 Muddy siltstone Mudstone
MM-1 B10 1056.8 10.51a) n n 3.33 Silty mudstone Siltstone
B5 1183 11.98a) n n 4.07 Silty mudstone Mudstone
B2 1256.2 12.84a) n n 5.95 Silty mudstone Mudstone
MM-2 B10 1185.68 12.21 10.3 1.929 1.82 Coarse sandstone Mudstone
B5 1388.23 14.02 10.1 0.269 2.61 Silty mudstone Siltstone
B2 1473.86 15.18 10.3 0.004 4.18 Mudstone Silty mudstone
MM-3 B9 784.04 7.84 9.9 0.024 4.35 Muddy siltstone Mudstone
B5 880.53 8.5 9.7 0.091 3.49 Muddy siltstone Siltstone
B2 939.88 10.43 11.1 0.027 5.45 Silty mudstone Mudstone
Tab.1  The well testing data, gas content, roof and floor lithology of major coal seams in several CBM parameter wells, southern Junggar Basin
Fig.4  Typcial surrounding rock combinations of Xishanyao coals in the middle part of southern Junggar Basin.
Fig.5  The division of multi-superimposed gas system of the Xishanyao Formation in the MM-3 well (R.P.—Reservoir pressure; R.P.G.—Reservoir pressure gradient; R.Pe.—Reservoir permeability; S.S.A.—Specific surface area; T.P.V.—Total pore volume).
Fig.6  The synclinal axis of Qingshuihe nearby Hububi River (a) and the characteristics of fracture and permeability of Xishanyao coals in different zones (b), (c), (d).
Fig.7  Relationships between porosity, permeability and overburden pressure of low-rank coals in the middle part of southern Junggar Basin.
Fig.8  The total dissolved solids (TDS) values and flow pathways of groundwater in the middle section of the southern Junggar Basin.
Number Coal
H/m Specific yield/
Water type TDS/
3 DBYG 1345.0 0.098 0.130 306.3 1015.7 238.7 HCO3·SO4-Na 3075.0
5 XBYG 1457–1463 n n 304.9 675.8 931.8 SO4·HCO3·Cl-Na 2318.3
8 TW 1660.0 n n 85.1 604.1 941.4 SO4·HCO3-Na·Mg 1975.4
10 DX 1609.0 0.00067–0.008 0.001–0.0436 57.3 647.8 256.2 HCO3·SO4-Na 983.9
11 XD n 0.003 0.002 48.2 469.9 1025.4 SO4·HCO3-Na·Ca·Mg 1886.8
12 TXH* 1409–1415 1.240 n 104.0 893.7 306.4 HCO3·SO4-Na 3808.0
13 LBW 1784.3 0.051 0.048 118.8 970.2 701.2 HCO3·SO4-Na 1995.3
15 XG1 n n n 37.2 524.8 3769.3 SO4·HCO3-Na·Mg 1354.0
17 XGG 1670.0 n n 92.2 571.5 896.6 SO4·HCO3-Na 1878.2
18 XDG 1745.2 0.206 0.233 59.4 538.1 420.3 SO4·HCO3-Na·Mg 1119.2
20 BYS* 1643–1656 0.853 1.318 184.0 646.2 306.4 HCO3·SO4-Na 1324–1663
21 FY n 0.855 1.469 184.0 646.2 306.4 HCO3·SO4-Na n
22 SHG n n n 96.2 813.9 58.4 HCO3-Na 922.0
23 KG 1482.6 0.234 0.142 335.9 467.6 720.4 SO4·HCO3·Cl-Na 2024.5
24 106T1 1344.1 0.005 0.0 1054.7 260.9 576.4 Cl·SO4-Na 2819.1
25 106T2 1413.4 0.005 0.003 735.9 171.3 723.0 SO4·ClNa 2450.3
26 WZG* 1599–1723 n n 47.0 370.7 461.1 SO4·HCO3-Na·Ca·Mg 1010–1100
27 STZXG 1534–1569 n n 24.8 265.4 216.1 SO4·HCO3-Ca·Na 338–558
28 STZDG n n n 17.7 329.5 163.3 HCO3·SO4-Na·Ca·Mg n
29 MDG 1571.1 0.008 0.009 102.8 433.2 403.5 SO4·HCO3-Na·Ca 1109.8
35 JY 1184.4 0.004 0.007 n n n Cl·SO4-Na 4464.0
36 LJM* n 0.001 0.027 36–430 336–756 769–1896 SO4·HCO3·Cl-Na n
37 DHG* 712.0 n n 1666–3414 3001–4144 563–702 HCO3·Cl·SO4-Na 7449–11980
38 MQ* 723.0 n n 9146–14,514 3898–4984 933–1096 Cl·HCO3·SO4-Na 20,024–30,509
Tab.2  Hydrogeological parameter statistics for the middle section of the southern Junggar Basin
Fig.9  Relationship between coal depth and δ13C1 of methane from three CBM wells.
Fig.10  The CBM enrichment model for a multi-coal seams superimposed region in the middle part of southern Junggar Basin.
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